A Satellaview research blog.

Minor IRC note:

#BS-X Is currently on irc.caffie.net.
I may think of moving it again at some later point, but for now it’s here.

Satellaview Soundtracks – Konae-chan no DokiDoki Pengin Kazoku

The music for Konae-chan no DokiDoki Pengin Kazoku has been posted on SNESMusic.org.
I ripped this SPC set myself using a variant of BSNES that supports SPC dumping. Fairly impressive, 😀

I’m posting streaming MP3s up for you guys who don’t use SPC players. The music is short and repetitive, but has a bit of a nice retro-arcade feel to go along with the, well, retro-arcade feel of the game itself.

Title Screen

Round Start

Level Gameplay

Round Clear

Round Results

Everyone’s Together


Game Over

Final Score

REMINDER: Monies plz. (Donations)

I don’t know if many of you realize I got a Donate button to the right sidebar here. There’s kinda a reason for that. And now the reason’s kinda coming. I have an order for an 8M Memory Pack that I believe I need about 60 bucks for (this pack, if I read it right, should have Actraiser on it. Yay?)

Donations will make the obtaining of this pack and any future ones quite a bit easier, and would allow more updates with plenty of useful info.

Donations will be repaid for in some manner – likely when I get to dumping ROMs.

PRE-Satellaview Radio – St.GIGA Tide of Sound from 1992.

I’ve checked around for info on St.GIGA’s non-Satellaview material before and made a few entries on what I saw. This one goes deeper into the past, though. Way deeper.

August 1992, in fact. Nearly three years before the Satellaview was around, long before it was a blip on anyone’s mind, and Nintendo was still planning on it’s SNESCD. At this time, “Tide of Sound” was St.GIGA’s most popular program. Why, you ask? Well, I found an archiving, so maybe we can now find out.

St.GIGA 音の潮流 – ノンスクランブル放送より

Check the “Read More” link, as usual, to see.

Read More…Read More…

How much is that Soundtrack in the window? The one with the Sound & Drama?

Since I’m running relatively low on actual news items, I’ll write this piece up.

You’ve probably seen my previous posts where I mentioned looking for audio albums with Satellaview music. After figuring I’ve gotten as many as I’m ever gonna get, I decided to look them up on Yahoo Japan Auctions and eBay


Here’s some of the results I got –

An Auction for “Super Famicom Game Music” on eBay. $100!

Super Mario World Original Soundtrack on eBay. $160.

Dragon Quest 1 Symphonic Suite on eBay. $39.99

Zelda Sound & Drama on YJA. 10,000 Yen.

Famicom Grafitti on YJA. 19,100 Yen.

Fuurai no Shiren Special Arrange Version on YJA. 68,000 Yen.

Super Mario World Soundtrack on YJA. 14,000 Yen.

Toy Music – Dancing Super Mario Brothers on YJA. 4,200 Yen BIN.

With these kind of prices, I’d be out of money fast trying to collect the actual albums! Blast, my goals…