A Satellaview research blog.

Back on NicoNico – BS Tantei Club Zenpen.

Someone on NicoNicoDouga seemed to think it was a problem that A certain set of BS Tantei Cub videos was removed from the site, and so this person decided to do something about it! Behold!

BS探偵倶楽部 ~雪に消えた過去~ 前編 part1
BS探偵倶楽部 ~雪に消えた過去~ 前編 part2
BS探偵倶楽部 ~雪に消えた過去~ 前編 part3
BS探偵倶楽部 ~雪に消えた過去~ 前編 oart4
BS探偵倶楽部 ~雪に消えた過去~ 前編 part5

.. hmm, 5 parts? And… this video starts right quite a bit after the downloading sequence. It seems we have a 3rd video set for this segment!
Also, these were a bit difficult to track down because they didn’t have the JP “Satellaview” tag on them….

… oh, yeah, I almost forgot! We should totally check out how these appear on the English NicoNico.com!

Zenpen part 1
Zenpen part 2
Zenpen part 3
Zenpen part 4
Zenpen part 5

And of course, last but not least, click “More” to see them stream from here!

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ENTRY REVIVAL: “All Night Nippon and how obscure Japanese culture impacts your Nintendo games”, now with more Satellaview relation!

Someone who’s been backreading on my old Blogspot blog location asked me why I was missing the “All Night Nippon” article (He found it a very interesting read).

I told him that I thought the article was a bit misplaced at the time, but developments were coming along and I thought to revive it. Well, the development I got wasn’t quite what I expected, but I got it!

This one’s a fairly long one, so I’m gonna use that “more” code I haven’t used in a while.

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Yo, Diggity! Micky Pockets n da hawze, dawg!…

When I went on my Satellaview research, I was kinda anticipating a couple of weird things.

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 and BS Super Mario Collection had some strange picks of licensed music.
Radio Programs like the ones Hikaru Ijuin ran had some strange comedic skits.
Some of the playable games, like Dynamitracer and (assumedly this is referred to as playable) Sousa Sentai Wappers were the strange kind of thing you’d not normally see on a Super Famicom.

Kodomo Chousadan Mighty Pockets then decided to take all of the weirdness, put it in a single game, and crank it up to eleven.
The game itself seems to be a board game with a detective motif, a la Clue – that being said, the rules are different enough that I don’t really know what’s going on. Well, besides the fact that the guys are apparently rapping on top of Michael Jackson sound samples and remixes of 1950’s American Television.

Really, I’m not making that up. You can see below. This was uploaded on NicoNicoDouga seemingly last night – 22 minutes of gameplay of the third episode. No more has been uploaded yet. Will it be uploaded? Do I WANT it uploaded? I don’t know. This game just scares me now.

子供調査団Mighty Pockets 調査3(の初め)

Dynamitracer – … I don’t know. (ALSO: On technical difficulties)

First off, apologizes for earlier – no video, picture, or music links were working for a while. This problem has since been resolved. Don’t want to elaborate on the technical details, but aye.

Following up on Treasure Conflix – there were also some NND uploads for Dynamitracer. These include some gameplay and the ending, but I don’t know if they comprise the whole game… it’s a very weird game, after all.

スクウェア幻の名作 ダイナマイ・トレーサー part1

スクウェア幻の名作 ダイナマイ・トレーサー part2


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Treasure Conflix – played all the way through in 4 videos.

Treasure Conflix is a peculiar aerial-dogfighting/RPG hybrid by Squaresoft. I’ve posted a bit of footage from it before, but this particular post features footage that emcompasses a whole game playthrough.

Anyone who may be wondering how to play this game or what to do next may like to refer to this.

スクウェア [トレジャーコンフリクス] ダイジェスト_01
スクウェア [トレジャーコンフリクス] ダイジェスト_02
スクウェア [トレジャーコンフリクス] ダイジェスト_03
スクウェア [トレジャーコンフリクス] ダイジェスト_04

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The service’s last moments.

I originally had this video up with the “BS Tantei Club” vids, but it really deserved it’s own post – I’m just a bit of an unorganized crammer, really.

This melancholy video, which I found labeled “LAST DAY”, shows someone viewing St. Giga’s farewell message, and being unable to even get a BS Yoshi no Panepon download in time…

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