A Satellaview research blog.

Satellaview Soundtracks – BS Zelda music, as from album sources.

Y’know, figuring this out was kinda what made me feel useful to the BS Zelda forums in the first place, isn’t it?
A few years ago they more or less had little idea if BS Zelda Map 1’s music was featured in any soundtracks, but I figured there had to have been something – particularly since certain songs were arranged from Kamigami no Triforce, and others “felt” old, if you catch my drift.

So, I went on a search to find Nintendo soundtracks. The bad news was that I didn’t find everything, and it’s sure as heck not in one soundtrack.
The good news, though? I found some of the more “creative” ones, so to speak. The ones that weren’t accounted for, I’ve attempted to try mixing with some interesting results

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Satellaview Soundtracks – Konae-chan no DokiDoki Pengin Kazoku

The music for Konae-chan no DokiDoki Pengin Kazoku has been posted on SNESMusic.org.
I ripped this SPC set myself using a variant of BSNES that supports SPC dumping. Fairly impressive, 😀

I’m posting streaming MP3s up for you guys who don’t use SPC players. The music is short and repetitive, but has a bit of a nice retro-arcade feel to go along with the, well, retro-arcade feel of the game itself.

Title Screen

Round Start

Level Gameplay

Round Clear

Round Results

Everyone’s Together


Game Over

Final Score

Satellaview Soundtracks – Music Splice Hackory Custom.

I’ve done a lot of searching for Satellaview Soundlink music.
Unfortunately, in many cases, it was all to no avail whatsoever.
Eventually, I decided that instead of looking for soundtracks, to actually try to see what I can “restore” from my videos! The results are mixed, but some of them are fairly impressive! Others still require a lot of work to sound “Acceptable”, but I’m not giving up, obviously.

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Satellaview Soundtracks – Sousa Sentai Wappers SPC rips

A bit of a time ago I ripped all the SPCs I could from the “Sousa Sentai Wappers 1”, “Sousa Sentai Wappers 2”, and “Sousa Sentai Wappers Shoushuu Hen” ROMs.

I tried submitting them to SNESMusic.org but apparently I need proper song titles before these can be accepted, so… actually, the “Shoushuu Hen” ones actually have JP Song titles. If these could be translated, maybe that’ll work.

You can get the current version of my Wappers music rips in a nice RSN set here.
For your convenience, I will also supply Mp3s, and pictures of the track names for the ones I can supply. Just use the “more” button to check them all out.

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St. GIGA history – Sound of the Earth series.

I’ve said before how I wanted to take a bit more of a look into St. Giga’s Pre-Satellaview history, and it seems like I got something nice for it – a CD-R Copy in the mail. 🙂

“St. GiIGA Sound of the Earth
Ambient Soundscape 11: Prayers for the Spirit of Nature”

A bit of info on this series of CDs as a whole can be found on their site.

Is the CD anything special? Well, it’s certainly unique. It consists of not much more or less than the sounds of splashing water mixed in with various other “nature” sound effects. The tracks are done in such as a way as to sound transition-less when on played, all meant to go together.

I’ve ripped the music for anyone else who is interested.
To listen to the sounds in MP3 format…. Yeah, y’know, the “more” link.

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Satellaview Soundtracks – BS-X – New SPC rips.

I once ripped a new SPC from the BS-X ROM, but didn’t want to make a post about it until more were ripped – well, now more -are – ripped. Thanks to Vehiek at the BS Zelda forums for those. This discussion in the forums sparked the music rips. Also in that forum thread is another video to download, which is a variant o the “LAST DAY”. It is notable for having some of the new music which was ripped.

hit the “More” button for the songs.

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