A Satellaview research blog.

Bounty Prize Check! We found BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1!

This is LuigiBlood. One day after Did You Know Gaming’s video about the Satellaview, which I do recommend a watch (but also definitely read the corrections in the comments because there were a few things I was bothered with), we were offered the first dump of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1!


We partnered with the people who made BS F-Zero Deluxe to ensure the legitimacy of the data as well as additional analysis, and of course, updating BS F-Zero Deluxe as well, and yes, this person who dumped it received the bounty prize money ($2500 per week found) that was offered a while back. Unfortunately, this data does not contain the Week 2 data, which means we only get Forest I and Forest II. Who knows what would be the undertaking for Forest III and Metal Fort I and II. The bounty prize for Week 2 ($2500) is still up for grabs, so if you find it, definitely go to us and we’ll talk (see at the bottom for more information).

I also would like to take this moment to talk about what BS F-Zero is truly about. It’s not just bringing F-Zero to Satellaview, and as you may possibly know, it was also a soundlink game, making the use of the radio audio broadcast as you play the game.

It was an attempt to provide competitive gameplay, particularly focused on time attack, while having live commentary, giving precise information on how to be even more efficient on the track within a limited time, with even a demo example of how to play the track right before training and then Grand Prix. The machines are also different from the original game, which were in BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 already, with their own stats, differing from the original game.

Two months before BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2’s premiere broadcast, a Practice version was broadcasted to be played as much as you wanted, with the 4 new tracks from previously broadcasted BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 in one place, alongside the brand new Mute City IV. This was dumped and redumped so many times. If you played F-Zero 99 not too long ago, those are the same tracks as the newly added Ace League in that game, and honestly a major thing that happened with Satellaview content officially from Nintendo, worldwide this time, which is insane. Here’s hoping for more in the future.

But as I said earlier, BS F-Zero Grand Prix is not really just about the new tracks and new machines. They had ghost data from the staff to run against, while live commenters give you tips and tricks on how to beat them as you play, and in this installment, one of the commenters is Barbie Suzuki, which we believe is actually Toshiaki Suzuki, the director of this game, but also many other Satellaview projects and more. In response to the first Grand Prix, they tried to make it easier for new players, with Forest I for example, where the track is very simple and easy to manuver in. The ghost data for this one is even played by Bucky Koba, one of the commenters, who wasn’t necessarily a good player.

It is more experimental than you think it is, and a stark contrast from games like BS Legend of Zelda which used the soundlink audio more to bring more of a story mood on top of the game. Excitebike Bun Bun Mario Battle tried a similar thing too, a focus on competitive time attack, but BS F-Zero is more about to learn how to play, maybe trying to give everyone sort of an even playing field. Who knows if Nintendo tried to do a huge eSports-like focus on this one, but the potential presence of actual game staff on this one would definitely elevate this a little bit further. Remember this is Satellaview, everyone is playing at the same time as everyone else on their own system.

Danyl gave the broadcasts list of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2:

1997/08/10~1997/08/16(第1週, Week 1)、1997/08/17~1997/08/23(第2週, Week 2)
1997/10/12~1997/10/18(第1週, Week 1)、1997/10/19~1997/10/25(第2週, Week 2)

The fact that until now, all we had was all 4 weeks of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 and the Practice version of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 is just kind of insane. The hopes were so lost that we got the amazing recreation based on the uploads from VHS footage in BS F-Zero Deluxe. This is not the first time this kind of work has been done, the work done to make BS Legend of Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets playable is a similar kind of deal, where data was simply missing and had to recreated from footage.

In fact, if you miss it, you can find another blog post that contains a comparison between the recreation and original data here, you would be impressed:

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1 – Reconstructed VS Original Data comparison

So, here it is; first the regular Satellaview dump, then GuyPerfect also made a standalone mod, that can be played no matter the setting, so you can just fast forward however you like.

And of course, BS F-Zero Deluxe has been updated to make use of the data of the new dump!


BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 – Dai-1-shuu (8/10)
ROM Download

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 – Dai-1-shuu (Standalone Mod Pre-patched)
ROM Download

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 & 2 – Standalone Mod Patch v1.0
Patch Download Page

BS F-Zero Deluxe v1.1
Patch Download Page

A huge thanks to the anonymous benefactor for providing this dump, as well as GuyPerfect, Porthor and PowerPanda from BS F-Zero Deluxe team to help make this release possible.

But I want to take this opportunity to also talk about Satellaview preservation: It is hard, and quite frankly and I want to stress this part: very expensive.
It is not necessarily fun to get through Memory Packs, especially since BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 would actually not be visible in menus.
This is the kind of stuff you would only know if you dump the memory of it and not really before. Then count the fact that we release them in the wild, which is almost like throwing money away. There is a possibility that we would never be able to preserve BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 2. We dumped an not insignificant amount of Memory Packs to get this one, up to several hundreds. We got some nice stuff on the way to this one, but nothing that would necessarily bring as much attention as this one.

And, yes, I’ll repeat, the bounty prize ($2500) for Week 2 is still up for grabs! The person behind the dump for Week 1 has received the prize for that one. It’s real serious, if you needed some reassurance about that.
Just to really make sure: Finding BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 2 requires dumping regardless, soundlink games do NOT show up on the menu normally. Those BS-X menu screenshots earlier are from a hacked version of BS-X that removes protection that prevents those from showing up, but the data is still in the Memory Pack as is.

(That all said, if you have other stuff to share, we can talk too.)

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1 – Reconstructed VS Original Data comparison

Alongside the release of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1 dump, GuyPerfect, one of the creators of BS F-Zero Deluxe, wrote us a post doing the comparisons between the recreation and original data. You’d be impressed how extremely close they got to the real deal!

You can find the full release post here:

Bounty Prize Check! We found BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1!

When we first learned that BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1 had been found, our first thought was “no way!”, but our second thought was pretty consistently “darn, we only get the courses Forest I and Forest II?” After all, had we gotten Week 2 instead, we would have had three courses as well as the graphics for both Forest and Metal Fort, so in that sense it can feel like Week 2 holds more value. Once we started digging in, however, it became clear that the Metal Fort assets are only a drop in the bucket as far as value is concerned, and all the juiciest parts of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 are present in Week 1 as well.

In context, Week 1 is actually the luckier find. Imagine yourself being there back in 1997, where you had enough interest in F-Zero to sit down for an hour for a radio show and game play combo presentation. You knew there would be another installment the following week, but instead you unplugged your Super Famicom and sold your Satellaview stuff without overwriting the memory pak. Of the two, it seems like Week 2 should be far more likely, so it’s fortuitous that we have Week 1 at all.

Of course it’s worth mentioning that a $2500 USD prize was awarded for finding Week 1, and an additional $2500 USD is available for Week 2. If Week 1 was out there, Week 2 may be as well.

BS F-Zero Deluxe is a mod of F-Zero that expands the game to incorporate the content from BS F-Zero Grand Prix and BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2. It was in development years before Week 1 ever surfaced, so including Forest and Metal Fort required some innovation and a lot of man-hours. The courses were reconstructed from old video recordings that weren’t of particularly great quality, but BS F-Zero Deluxe is said to be very accurate nonetheless. Now that we have Week 1, we can see just how accurate it was, at least for Forest I and Forest II.

Courses are positioned within a canvas of sorts that is 1,024 tiles wide and 512 tiles tall. A course can appear anywhere within this canvas, provided it doesn’t spill over the edge. BS F-Zero Deluxe approximated course positioning based on the little dot on the minimap: the dot will move 1 pixel for every 16 tiles traveled. Some assumptions had to be made regarding the layout of the minimap graphic itself, but in the end, BS F-Zero Deluxe happened to position the Forest courses in exactly the right spots.

As for the minimaps themselves, the video recordings didn’t clearly show where all the black pixels were, but BS F-Zero Deluxe got all but one the white pixels right.

The level of Mode 7 magnification made it reasonably clear what was nearby when the player in the video recordings drove around each course. However, not every single region of every course is clearly shown in those videos. The Forest courses in particular tend to be rather wide, and the player stuck somewhat close to the inside walls of each curve, so those outside walls are just barely visible way off on the edges of the screen. BS F-Zero Deluxe had to make a few guesses regarding the exact layout of those outside walls, to varying degrees of accuracy.

Full-size maps are provided below. The solid red squares show the tiles that BS F-Zero Deluxe got wrong.

The exterior scenery for the Forest courses is a repeating square pattern 64 tiles on a side. The graphics themselves are accurate because they appear in the graphics for Port Town, just with different colors. The differences between the real deal and what BS F-Zero Deluxe worked out are minor enough that they’re hard to spot even with the aid of a computer program pointing them out.

When it’s all said and done, here’s how close BS F-Zero Deluxe got to the actual assets for BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1…

Minimaps, counting only the pixels that are not transparent in both versions:
* Forest I – 422 correct out of 433 = 97.460% accuracy
* Forest II – 477 correct out of 528 = 90.341% accuracy

Track maps, counting only the tiles that are not scenery in both versions:
* Forest I – 56,770 correct out of 57,859 = 98.118% accuracy
* Forest II – 72,134 correct out of 73,503 = 98.137% accuracy

Scenery repeating pattern
* 4,019 tiles correct out of 4,096 = 98.120% accuracy

For over a year, we boasted that BS F-Zero Deluxe was over 99% accurate, but objective comparisons for Forest I and Forest II show that it is between 98% and 99% accurate.

It isn’t really possible to precisely quantify how accurate BS F-Zero Deluxe was regarding the sky/horizon graphics. It’s clear that there are some significant discrepancies, but it’s important to emphasize that the clarity of the reference videos was not sufficient for this task.

Original and then Reconstruction for each sky/horizon graphics:

Likewise, putting a singular number on course paths is challenging to define. In the images below, the solid blue path is the actual path in Week 1, and the dashed red path is BS F-Zero Deluxe’s best guess.

Find the full release post here:

Bounty Prize Check! We found BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1!

MAR/10 ROM Release : Light up your cigarettes, It’s Lily Franky Theater this time !

Intro by Cabbusses: So the ol’ SMG4-spread saying goes, “Mama ****er!”

Today, on Mar10, we reveal to you, we finally got one of the volumes of the most infamous comic series on the service.
I’m not entirely sure how much I can explain in regard to just how sought after these are, but I can at least say this much: Much of the reason these are so infamous is their frequent portrayal of Mario characters doing family-unfriendly activities. Especially physical abuse. Lots of physical abuse.

At present, we don’t know of any radio programs that directly tie into the comics.

Oh, and there’s also a little treat for the Squaresoft fans.
Square Magazine was both a radio program and a ROM magazine with information directly supplied by Squaresoft.
The ROM that has been recovered of that is one for an episode that is not on kukun kun’s YouTube channel.

Both of these are recovered from deleted data.

Do note that for both of these series, this is just one of many, so please continue to support us if you want more of them recovered!

I’ll let Danyl take it from here:

This memory pack includes an Square Magazine about Square news AND a F#CKING episode of Lily Franky Theater ! (Precisely the 34th one from December 4th 1995)

Before to talk about the plot of this volume I am going to give some context :

let me tell you that there were 2 versions of Lily Franky Theater between April 24, 1995 and March 30, 1996 :
a Manga version (まんが) which had begun the April 27th 1995 was called until July 1995: “人として” in this version, Lily Franky in person makes surreal gags about human life.
Also there is a Live-action version (実写版) which has begun April 24th 1995 and will be called by fans “下町人情劇場” which is rather close to the truth because it was first called “下町人情物語” the content of which I do not know and history the only proof I have of its existence is a mention in May 1995 Satellaview Tsushin. It got a 2nd version called “下町人情劇場 親方っ” which tells a love story between Mario and Peach.
During the summer there were 2 summer programs for the 2 versions : リリー夏休み作品 特集! (Manga version) Lily Franky shows comics created by random fans and マリとピノ公の美女評論 (Live-action version) here Mario and Toad criticize random women according to fans suggestions.
but after August 1995 the Live-action version returned with “下町人情劇場 親方っ 2”  (which continue the Mario & Toad plot) and the Manga version with “週間BUSS” (which was called “週間BUSU” during its first broadcast) in addition to “2001年宇宙の人として”, “リリー・フランキー劇場 TURBO” etc. there was a Manga called “Cinco Show” by Rie Fujiwara which we learned in the broadcast of September 6, 1995 that it is a sister for Lily Franky. and the drawing part of the last episode of Shitamachi Ninjo Gekijo is actually the last episode of “週間BUSS”.

Also there was new episodes each week

There are 49 episodes for the Live-Action Version & 49 volumes for the Manga one

here some pictures footage than I found + the complete broadcasts list :

Live-Action Version :

1995/04/24~1995/04/26、04/30~05/03、05/07~05/10、05/14~05/17、05/21~05/24、05/28~05/31、06/04(3~6 times per day)
1995/06/05~1996/03/30(2 times per day)

Manga Version :

1995/04/27~04/30、05/04~05/07、05/11~05/14、05/18~05/21、05/25~05/28、06/01~06/04(3~6 times per day)
1995/06/05~1995/07/16(2 times per day)
1995/07/18、07/25、08/01、08/08、08/15、08/22、08/29、09/05、09/12、09/19、09/26、10/03、10/10、10/17、10/24、10/31、11/07、11/14、11/21、11/28、12/06、12/13、12/20、12/27、01/03、01/10、01/17、01/24、01/31、02/07、02/14、02/21、02/28、03/06、03/13、03/20、03/27(2 times per day)

Now, here’s the plot of this:
After escaping the jail, Mario & Toad have ended up in Brazil and are trying to go back home… by building an pipe ? (I am surprised by the ability of this program to always take an unexpected direction.)

Thanks to techknight for this.

Square Magazine (1995-12-5) + Lily Franky Theater – Live Action Version (1995-12-4) / スクウェアまがじん (1995-12-5) + リリーフランキー劇場/実写版 (1995-12-4) ROM Download

(Now back to Cabbusses to add some stuff)

Now let’s move on to some less amazing, but nevertheless Mario-themed (?) dumps.

First, some new “builds” for Wario’s Woods.
Here’s an alternative build of “Event Version 1”. How is it different?

It starts out with the same Sava Data manager screen that the Event Version 2 ROM dumped prior does.

Oh! KureKure Mou Race 1996-4 Tsuki-Gou is also included!

Some additional notes by Danyl :

It’s a rerun variant of the Event Ver.1 2nd Revision (our dump which had been aired during July 1995)

So that’s mean than our Event Ver.2 dump is the rerun variant and than we should still find the premiere one

I furnish here the broadcasts list of the Ver.1 rerun variant :

1995/09/06~1995/09/30(1~2 times per day)
1995/10/16, 18, 21(1 time per day)
1995/11/02~1995/11/05(1 time per day)
1995/11/13~1995/11/29(1 time per day)
1995/12/11~1995/12/17(2 times per day)
1995/12/25~1995/12/31(2 times per day)
1996/01/08~1996/01/09(2 times per day)

It’s had been also aired during the very begin of the weekly (or the 2nd broadcast) period :

1996/03/31~1996/04/13(1~2 times per day)

Wario no Mori – Event Version 1 (3/31) + BS KureKure Mou Race – 3-tsuki-gou (4/9)
ROM download

Here’s another Event Version 1. This one was recovered from deletion.
ワリオの森 イベント バージョン Ver 1 9/6 | Wario no Mori – Event Version 1 (9/6)
ROM download

And we’re not out of the woods yet! (Haaaaaaaaa…..)

Here’s some dumps of Futatabi that are labeled as early broadcasts. I’m not entirely sure how they’re different from the present dumps, mind, but nevertheless!

Some additional notes by Danyl :

It’s the original event version of Wario no Mori Futatabi which include password & event presentation screens.

In the code itself however, there are 15% – 20% of differences

I furnish here the broadcasts list :

1997/09/28~1997/11/01(3 times per day)
ワリオの森 再び 10/6 | Wario no Mori – Futatabi (Early Broadcast) (10-6)
ROM download

ワリオの森 再び 10/10 | Wario no Mori – Futatabi (Early Broadcast) (10-10) (Corrupted)
ROM download

A dump of Stadium 4 of Excitebike. This has an interesting header title….

Like other alternative builds, this has a different set of text here.

エキサイトバイク ぶんぶんマリオバトル スタジアム4 1/18 | Excitebike – Bunbun Mario Battle – Stadium 4 (Rerun) (1-18)
ROM download

We have a dump that on the surface, looks the same as Mario Paint BS Ban. But it turns out, a picture loads when you select “load” like in Yuushou Naizou Ban.
Except, this one clearly isn’t winning any contests.

At present, we believe this is user data, and the ROM is thus marked as such. If you happen to be the author of this picture, feel free to let us know! We can keep it a secret….

This is mostly of interest for being the first Mario Paint BS Ban ROM we found of this kind. Before this point, I didn’t even realize this was a feature…

User Mario Paint Data
ROM Download

For a slightly less Mario-y dump, here’s the Game Tora no Ooana Special that goes with this broadcast archived by kukun kun.
This is for the first half of the broadcast. The second half has a Part 2 magazine that is not recovered yet.

ゲーム虎の大穴スペシャル 1 1995年9月16日 | Game Tora no Ooana Special 1 (1995-9-16) (Deleted)
ROM download

This dump also has leftovers from Hameln no Violin Haki (Trial Version). Not runnable in it’s current state, but it may be of interest to dataminers.

And now, a wave of redumps! There’s a BIG release coming so we’re gonna ACCELERATE through these. Keeping with today’s theme, here’s 16 redumps of games with Mario characters!

Yoshi no Panepon 6/11
Yoshi no Panepon 10/30
Yoshi no Panepon 6/28
Yoshi no Panepon 5/30
Yoshi no Panepon 11/3
another corrupted Yoshi no Panepon

Wario no Mori Futatabi 7/28
Wario no Mori Futatabi 6/30
Wario no Mori Futatabi 4/9
Wario no Mori Futatabi 6/14
Incomplete Wario no Mori Futatabi

Incomplete Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium 1

Dr. Mario 10/2
Dr. Mario 11/9
Corrupted Dr. Mario
Deleted Dr. Mario 6/29

The Secret of BS Zelda SRAM. + More!

For a while now, something perplexed me.

We had several dumps of BS Zelda ROMs. However, when trying to load them up into a Satellaview environment like with Satellawave software with SatData, many of them would refuse to read save data.

With the help of a few more additional ROM dumps, the answer is starting to click.

Let me start with the dump release in question. This way, it will be separated from some modified ROMs I will put up afterward.

BSゼルダの伝説 MAP2 第2話
BS Zelda no Densetsu – Map 2 – Dai-2-wa
ROM Download

Since we got this one, an episode 1 one, and an episode 3 one, I noticed that for some reason, all our Map 2 ROMs carried the save data over successfully, unlike the Map 1 ROMs. Then, I checked the broadcast dates.

The map 2 ones are in sequence: 3/3, 3/10. Now, 3/17 I admit is recovered, but since it managed to work in this set fine, that can go here too.

Now, I go back and check the Map 1 ROMs. There are problems here because we have a rerun of ep. 1, ep. 2 and 3’s premiere, and a rerun of ep. 4. But on top of that, the ep.1 and ep. 4 are from different rebroadcast periods.

So with this knowledge in tow, I then figured out where episode-modifier data is in each ROM (I’m working with rebroadcast builds, so they should all be the complete game, unlike the premiere builds)

I wrote some notes down here in a text file as I was working through this. One nice thing is that between Map 1 and Map 2, these notes both apply. This is for checking these in a hex editor:

Week’s Objective: 1BA00-1BCDF

Time Event Week: 5BC9B

Overworld Map is in the 90000s area, 9E5C0-9EFFF for Overworld Map differences between episodes

Thus, you can replicate undumped episodes by changing this data to match that corresponding episode’s data.

And since we very conveniently now have a “rerun” BS Zelda dump for every episode….

I attempted to make new modified ROMs with this knowledge.

This includes an attempt at an episode 4 for Map 2 and an eps. 2-4 for the BS Zelda Map 1 Ep. 1 rerun which is dated 1/1. (these are currently not considered “theoretical mockup replicas” in the off chance any theory here is proven wrong with a new Map 1 dump. Also the hacking WAS a bit sloppy, so I might have minor errors.)
There is also a modified ROM for the 9/28 BS Zelda Map 1 Ep. 4 build, and an attempt to make a Map 2 ep. 2 without referencing the actual confirmed dump.

Very pleasantly, I did a run of Map 1 where I played all 3 modified ROMs after the initial dump, and they played start to end with save RAM carrying the whole way through.

So what exactly is going on?

That’s still hard to say. But between the 1/1 BS Zelda Map 1 Ep. 1’s build and the 9/28 BS Zelda Map 1 Ep. 3’s build, here appear to be differences besides the ones in my notes above, including both large chunks of certain banks in the beginning, middle and end of the ROM and some seemingly random scattered bytes. There may actually be even more post-release build revisions than I initially anticipated. Perhaps one of them addressed the abnormally large amounts of in-game slowdown?

But, thinking about it more, it would make just as much sense that there’d be code to intentionally wipe out SRAM from a previous time period if it was there. After all, if you held on to a save from January to load it in September, you could in theory cheat to win a coveted event prize. Of course there’d be code to check for that!… I just wish I knew exactly what or where that code was.

Ah, speaking of new dumps in a series, here’s some more:

Another Satespo DX magazine. This time it’s the first volume. Did you not see the prior dump? Well, now you don’t have to, because conveniently the data for that one is in the same memory pack. In fact, I’ve been told this dump here is better anyway.

Refresher: Satesupo DX is a magazine made to track the results of Satellaview Derby Stallion 96 competitions. Like Ranking Magazine, you may see the winners and runner-ups of certain events in these.

Satesupo DX Dai-1-gou + Satesupo_DX Dai-4-gou
ROM Download


Woah, woah, woah, that’s a LOT of data. RPG Tsukuru 2 data, in fact. What’s here? There’s a Kurekure Mou Race 4 Tsuki Gou… No, wait, LuigiBlood’s got me corrected there, it’s the April 1996 edition of Kurekure Mou Race. Aaaaah, this is gonna confuse me….

Jewel of Live 3 is probably one I should play, since I played 1 and 2. It’s interesting that it moved from Super Dante into 2. How many in this series are left?

Also in here is “Arf to Hakase no Daibouken”. But that isn’t even the entirety of what’s in there, so do check it out if you’re into these!

Not that many screenshots here, since I can’t exactly tell where custom assets were used yet.

RPG Tsukuru 2 Collection
ROM download

And after that:

This magazine is for another Houkago no Ousama radio program! To be more specific, it goes with this one on kukun kun’s channel.

You might recognize the voice of Rica Matsumoto ( 松本梨香 ) if you’re even the slightest bit familiar with the Pokemon anime. Yes, Ash Ketchum Satoshi’s voice; She had her own radio show here! Tagging alongside her is Hitomi Mien ( 三重野瞳 ) who has a detailed Wikipedia article about her prior music and screenwriting work.

But, uh, wait, there’s something else in this ROM too… it was deleted, but recoverable!

Another Tamori no Picross! This is a 3/27 rerun of a 8/1 broadcast.

松本梨香と三重野瞳の放課後の王様 1996年03月29日(金) + タモリのピクロス03月27日
Rika & Hitomi (3-29) + [Deleted]Tamori no Picross (8-1, 3-27)
ROM download

And lastly, a bit of leftover data recovered from another 8M. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like we can easily transplant this into a prior dump (I tried transplanting data from other Silicon Chounaikai dumps, but this just results in corrupted or crashed ROMs). Thus, I can’t say much about it. But I have been told it corresponds with this kukun kun video.

爆笑問題のシリコン町内会 1996年10月12日
Bakusho Mondai no Silicon Chounaikai 10/12 (leftover)
ROM download

The first ROM release of the year which include some VERY special gifts (Featuring Kirby & WaiWai)

Danyl here. but First, happy new year everybody ! (late I know)

2024 was a big year for the Satellaview preservation and this year will also be filled with dumps trust me :))

Anyway here’s the dumps of today :

The first contains a trial version of Clockwerx which takes 1/2nd of SFC Retail, and where you can’t play the time trial mode.

Here the broadcasts list :

  • 1995/11/18,19,21~24(2~3 times per day)
  • 1996/02/01~1996/02/07(1 time per day)

Its had been also mentioned in the “かべ新聞ニュース” (a daily Wall Papernews of the Satellaview which was downloaded in the PSRAM) of 1995/11/18 :


Translation :

Introducing the latest action puzzle game ! ! ★November 18th (Saturday) – 24th (Friday) “Clockwerx” (Tokuma Shoten) A large action puzzle game created by Alexei Pajitnov, the Russian who invented “Tetris,” the original “falling object” game. This is the favorite version. Let’s wait with anticipation ! !

Also, its include a Game Tora no Ooana Special magazine about Enix news.

Clockwerx (Trial Version) + Game Tora no Ooana (1996-1-24) / クロックワークス(トライアル版)+ ゲーム虎の大穴 (1996-1-24) ROM Download

That’s another Game Tora no Ooana magazine which is this time about the Clockwerx’s trial version and an phone call with Riko Kushida.

However its include also leftovers data of Magical Drop Trial Version which has the same content than the SFC Retail.

Here’s some pictures + broadcasts list :

1995/10/14~1995/10/19(1 time per day)
1995/11/13~1995/11/19(1 time per day)
1995/12/04~1995/12/24(1 time per day)
1996/01/15~1996/01/21(1 time per day)

Game Tora no Ooana (1995-11-18) + [Leftover] Magical Drop (Trial Version) / ゲーム虎の大穴 (1995-11-18) + [Leftover] マジカルドロップ(トライアル版) ROM Download

That’s a magazine of the radio program “伊集院光の怪電波発信基地” from July 6th 1996.
If you want to listen the radio broadcast, You can find it in the kukun kun channel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2vHm2saDM4

(Some additional notes by Cabbusses:
Kaidenpa Hassin Kichi is a radio program featuring Famitsu’s Hikaru Ijuin.

Going by the NicoNico side of preserving things, this particular program was pretty popular for a Satellaview radio show. Many of the episodes have been available there with clean audio, making it one of the more well-preserved ones.

It seems in particular the segment “Dragon West IX” is popular. While I don’t know the specifics of the contents, the artwork and logo clearly suggest a Dragon Quest parody. Graphics from RPG Tsukuru 2 are also used, although there is no sign that any actual RPG Tsukuru 2 campaign was distributed based on this segment.

Another segment in this episode is a parody of “Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi”, a horror visual novel on the Super Famicom released by Banpresto in 1995. While a recent release at the time, this game did spawn a franchise with several entries, which suggests it was popular enough to be the subject of parody.)

Ijuin Hikaru no Kai Denpa Hasshin Kichi (1996-7-6) / 伊集院光の怪電波発信基地 (1996-7-6) ROM Download

Thanks to sanmaiwashi for having dumped the 3 first ROMs.

That dump is a trial version of Parlor! Mini 4. You can only play one model (precisely the CR大工の源さん(三洋)one) and there is a time limit.

(Additional notes by Cabbusses:
Parlor Mini 4 has many visual and gameplay similarities to “Let’s Pachinko Nate Gintama” and “BS Parlor! Parlor!”, but has an all-new machine to work with.

Amusingly enough, the machine is actually based on the Hammerin’ Harry series of games.)

I include here the broadcasts list :

1996/11/17~1996/12/07(1 time per day)

This has been dumped by an anonymous benefactor.

Parlor!Mini4 (Trial Version) / Parlor!Mini4(トライアル版) ROM Download

Now the most interesting stuff :

This memory pack contains a variant of Kirby’s Toy Box – Ball Rally (the gameplay seems identical but 15% of the data including the internal name are kinda different) and the very last version of WaiWai Check which had been distributed (precisely the 1996-3-28 one).

When you play the Event mode, when you get “Push ??” in Waiwai Check, LuigiBlood found the inputs that you should use :

Round 1: A+X+Down
Round 2: A+B+Up
Round 3: A+Y+Right
Round 4: A+L+Left

This has been also dumped by an anonymous benefactor.

Kirby’s Ball Rally (Variant) + Waiwai Check (1996-3-28) Premiere / カービィ のボールラリー + ワイワイ3/28本放送

When I told you than this will be filled with some amazing dumps, I didn’t lie to you right?

Some stocking stuffers.

Merry Christmas!

Unfortunately I couldn’t get anything that’d surpass Oryouri Pon for this, but hopefully you shall be appeased with this assortment of dumps that match retail releases.

Going by kukun kun’s videos and other resources, the Satellaview actually had a distinct branding for these; “Satellaview Best Selection”, which is frequently used in promoting these limited-boot-up downloads. There’s probably some exceptions to this, so I’m not gonna relabel every retail-matching game, but knowing this term will be helpful if researching this subject further. There may even be a canonical list of what titles were released under this brand (And knowing my luck, Danyl has it and I forgot). That said, retail rereleases aren’t that exciting to me, so excuse me if the extra information may be a bit lacking this time.

I’ll start with one that I could had sworn I’d released way back, but Danyl has corrected me on that. See what I mean when I say these don’t quite excite me as much? It’s to the point where I make mistakes in regard to them. I even overlooked Wild Guns until someone else took it in their hands, and that ended up being different from retail. Oofsies. Well, anyway…

Chou Makai Taisen! Dorabocc-chan
ROM download

If you’re not familiar with this one, it was localized as “The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang” and is a decent choice for people wanting a Zelda LttP-like.

Next is…

Ah, Top Racer! This one has it’s fanbase, as the gameplay is solid and the 2-player split screen is pretty impressive for the hardware.

There’s two dumps in this set: one is incomplete, and the other is “alloc NG” but runs perfectly fine.

Top Racer 2
ROM Download

Next is…

Well, I’m not actually as familiar with this one, but it looks pretty straightfoward. Battle Submarine is a game where you battle, with submarines. Seems very simulation-like.

Nothing too unusual to report about the dump, it’s a straightforward release.

Battle Submarine
ROM Download

After that… huh, interesting, Battle Submarine was by Pack-in-Video, and it appears this next one is also.

Ski Paradise! In America, this was “Tommy Moe’s Winter Extreme: Skiing & Snowboarding”, and in Europe this was “Val d’Isère Championship”.

The original dump had the game deleted but all the data was intact. A restored header boots an identical-to-retail game as expected.

Ski Paradise
ROM download

Alright, and saving the best for last…?
Well, at least I’d think it’s best. You know me, wanting all that Hudson Soft recovery.

Of course, 1990’s Hudson would not broadcast Bomberman without also broadcasting Takahashi Meijin no Daibouken-jima, known in the US as “Super Adventure Island”!

The game’s soundtrack is so good, this is one you may prefer over the Soundlink radio! (Well, actually, since there are many MSU1 hacks where I don’t like the soundtracks provided, this may not that distinct in that regard. But I always wanted to say that!)

Takahashi Meijin no Daibouken-jima
ROM download

We’re giving you more to cook after that turkey.

Hey, it’s Christmas time! That means it’s time to bumrush through some releases!

Last month, I released a pretty interesting magazine, and this time, I got another one – and some that may be interesting for all the wrong reasons – ready.

For this one, I’m not gonna embed my own gameplay recording, but rather an archival video from kukun kun:

Now, let’s pop out the emulated ROM screenshot!

Presenting “Oryouri Pon!” by Indieszero, the same devs behind Sutte Hakkun!
Indieszero’s own website is kind enough to provide info on broadcast months.

This is not your typical Satellaview magazine – it’s got it’s own style, with a unique interface and frequent use of animated interactive elements.
In this magazine, you “unlock” recipes by answering multiple-choice questions, and they save to SRAM to incentivize you to cook ’em all!

(I don’t know why this image is so much larger than the others. My apologies.)

We’ve obtained ROM dumps of the other notable cooking magazine “Cheap de Gorgeous” before, and this is all the “Gorgeous” without the “Cheap!”
(No offense intended!)

12-Tsuki-gou here matches the video kukun kun has after repairing the ROM header.
On Indieszero’s site, this is the 2nd volume out of four. The missing volumes would be 11-tsuki-gou, 1-tsuki-gou and 2-tsuki-gou. Strangely, all media on the internet appears to be from 12-tsuki-gou.

お料理ポン! 12月号 | Oryouri Pon! 12-Tsuki-gou
ROM Download

The next batch of magazines are meant to accompany radio programs. One of the unfortunate circumstances that happens because of this is that there is a good chance that radio program has not been archived, meaning whatever the context is behind the contents of the magazines is, is completely lost.

Houkago no Ousama in particular is an alarming one, because there’s many broadcasts, and apparently all of them are unique.
kukun kun has video for 10/7 and 10/10, but 10/9 here? Nope, nada!

And because of that, I was not prepared for THIS! (WARNING: Probably considered NSFW.)
Why, oh, WHY is that guy exposing himself like that? Good grief!

This obvious gravure photo also probably has no business being in an official Nintendo product, but to me this is at least a palette cleanser after… that.

Oh, this mempack dump also has an AK Live volume with the same date.


Houkago no Ousama (10-4) + AK LIVE (10-9)
ROM download

Ah, and guess what? All the following magazine dumps are ALSO lacking a respective rip of the radio program on the internet.

Which means we may run into something like THIS and go “WHYYYY?” some more!

Okay, at least this one is ONLY “weird”…. man, what a thing to say, huh?

Bakusho Mondai no Silicon Chounaikai (1996-7-27)
ROM Download

We got another Silicon Chounaikai coming up too.

This one was apparently so nice, the person with the memory pack downloaded it twice!

… Actually, this one looks like it might have an interesting text dump on “Ryouma De Yuku”, the RPG Tsukuru 2 custom campaign.

Bakushow Mondai no Silicon Chounaikai (11-16) [Twice]
ROM Download

Alright, one more! … Well, technically two more, but they’re both on the same mem pack.

These are meant to accompany Yuki Uchida’s radio program “Yuugure Street Kids Side-B”, of which to my memory there was exactly one broadcast that… it’s no longer on NicoNico, is it? My re-uploads are the only remains of the radio broadcast… ouch!

The contents of these magazines seem to be mostly just pictures, which makes the lack of the radio programs for context even more taxing. Imagine getting a ROM dump and it’s main content is a screenshot of a shower faucet. Just… what?

Do note that they likely broadcast with “Yuki no Waiwai Kids”, which there is only one ROM dump of.

This 8M pack dump has two distinct Yuki Uchida episodes, as well as the downloader making that common mistake of downloading the same program twice.

Uchida Yuki (8-12, 8-12, 8-5)ROM Download

Ahh, the return of the birthday post! This is gonna be good…

Alright, I got to post on my birthday!

So, for this ROM release… I wanted it to be something special. HOWEVER… I needed to do a lot of research first.

So let me build up to what I am aware of.

According to God-Bird.net, a magazine called “Ranking Magazine” ran from June 29, 1996 up until a undetermined (but likely 1998) ending date.

放送期間 (遅くとも)1996年6月29日~
解説 詳細不明

Ranking Magazine
Broadcast period (latest info) 1996/6/29 –
Explanation Details unknown

Although it says this, there are other sections on the site which seem to have references to other ranking magazines.


After clearing the four stages, your score will be displayed with a password, and you can apply by sending it by postcard. The rankings were announced on the program “Mario no Mori ~ Ranking Magazine”, and prizes were awarded to the top players. The first ranking event was held on May 19th, and the second on July 20th.

Hmm, come to think of it, I think I saw that on kukun kun’s videos!
Yes… um… It was about an hour and 22 minutes into this video.
This doesn’t seem to match up exactly with the info supplied by God-Bird but it is nevertheless the evidence of regularly-distributed ranking magazines for various Satellaview Events.
Notably, this mentions not just Wario, but also WaiWai De Q and Panel De Pon. Something about BS Zelda as well.

Man, this is difficult to dig through with the hours of archival video kukun kun has, but nevertheless! It looks like these were regularly distributed.

With that established, let’s move forward!

Be sure to have the sound ON when watching this!

One of these has been recovered, and… this particular one is a real doozy!
Even compared to what kukun kun caught on video, it feels SPECIAL.

A few things to go over, but the most important thing is… the synthesized voice audio! Yes, I mean, I didn’t even know that was even possible on a Super Famicom before this point! Absolutely mind-blowing! Every person who ranked in BS Super Mario Collection got the honor of having a voiced shoutout long before the days when people paid Twitch streamers for basically the same thing!

Ah, yes, I did say this was for BS Super Mario Collection, right?

Besides the winner announcements, there’s also articles with art from the game that is higher-res than what would come from dumping the actual game ROMs!

This is also one of the first magazines we got which has many user-submitted fanart pieces!

Besides BS Super Mario Collection, there are also sections for Satella-Q and Zenkoku baken ōja kettei-sen 2 (To newbies: Satella-Q was the regular quiz game series. The latter thing was a Soundlink Derby Stallion 96 event which a ROM dump for one episode was obtained of way back.)

Adding to the distinctness of this program are these idle animations for the bottom box, with Satebo and Parabo!

Do note that since this was recovered from a 8M with deleted data, the ROM may not be pure. There are no obvious bugs.

らんきんぐ まがじん 3月号
Ranking Magazine – 3 Tsuki-gou
Ranking Magazine – March Issue
ROM download

The reason I tried to get all this research down on this before releasing is because I had some concerns about the theoretical privacy risk of a computerized voice shouting the aliases of names.
That said, my policy so far – and I intend to stick by it – has been “If it was broadcast publicly, it’s fair game.”
There’s no signs that this was a personalized copy (And I doubt the owner would have deleted the ROM like it was trash if there was a strong connection there!)
Therefore, as soon as I cross-checked and verified that similar types of magazines were on kukun kun’s videoes, I decided to post it here.
I hope you all enjoy the findings!
I’d LOVE to see the voice generation reverse-engineered and used in homebrew games!