So you probably noticed the blog was idle for a while. Like, a long while.
There was a combination of factors that led to this. (Mainly, a combination of me getting a new part-time job, and focusing my internet time on more profitable matters.)
I apologize if I burdened anyone with this.
ChronoMoogle has convinced me to try writing articles up for here again. The most notable thing he told me is that no one who checked the blog pays attention to my livestreams, (other than SmashManiac. Thank you, SmashManiac.) so it turned out I unintentionally split my communities up. Guess I better work on integrating them better!
They may not be as much of a regular pace as before, or as big as before. But this should still be the place to download new Satellaview ROM dumps when they arise.
Last year had a bit of a slow trickle of dumps for a while before there was a sudden, well, bit of a megaton.
I’m sure many of you saw the Kirby no Omochabako dumps referred to on Kotaku, so I may not have to write articles on those. But I will put up quick ROM download links for them somewhere down the line (currently they are actually uploaded in an unsorted manner on my private webspace, so they are safe until then!)
Anyway, for the time being I will try trickling down dumps from the latest batch provided by ChronoMoogle, ikari_01 and Yankee.
Let’s start with this one, just for pun!
つり太郎 (BS) | Tsuri Tarou
ROM download
This quirky fishing RPG appears to be the same as the retail version of the game. Which actually threw me off considering the title screen has some unorthodox interactivity.
I’m not entirely sure what else to say about this one. It’s a bit weird and gets tough as you progress further in. It also requires a good bit of patience, just like real fishing.
I’ll let ChronoMoogle tell me what to release next post.
D’aww… 。(#^â–½^#)ã‚ž
Pretty happy to see the blog’s revival! Keep up the good work!