A Satellaview research blog.

Note to self: Use more search engines. (Yahoo Search finds)

For a while, I’ve been using Google for my Satellaview searching. I’ve attempted to use other search engines previously, but had sour luck with them.

But then Chronomoogle told me over at #snesfreaks that he found some interesting things searching on Yahoo Japan for Satellaview stuff.
He’s been trying to see if he can track any ROMs that aren’t on the GoodSNES, TOSEC or No-Intro sets, or on my or Callis’s blog.
So far? He’s found a SRAM file – that’s not from us. Interesting!
That’s probably more luck finding something than I’ll ever have on a search engine!

So, seeing what I can find now, yes?

… oh, interesting!
I never figured out how to navigate Pixiv on my own, but apparently thanks to Yahoo.jp I’ve found out That it has a Satellaview tag with art on it.

Most the art so far appears to be based on BS Zelda or Radical Dreamers. As can be expected from a massive art site, the styles and quality are varied.

And I don’t know what that iPod is doing there, either.

On this page is a long piece of audio (A podcast?) where the two participants talk about the Satellaview about mid-way in. Loads of game titles are mentioned, as well as the various radio personalities. I’m taking a good, careful listen to the pronunciations, especially considering he “Kodai vs. Inishie” wars that may continue to spread for the long-term!

I also got a note that this Twitter account exists. Seems like a pretty cool guy, huh? Hrrm.

No signs of ROMs or the elusive “BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Dai-2-wa” or “R no Shosai” series video clips yet. If I find more interesting sites, though, I’ll be sure to link them. Ones that are especially significant or continuously updated may even be added to the links on the bottom-right of the page.

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