So, before getting into the meat of the article, I’ll note that I’ve attempted to change the “cake” icon on the address bar of the page to something more appropriate. Hope it works well!
Anyway! A bit ago, NicoNicoDouga, you know how this typically goes, right? Based on what I could get out from the audio clips, this is essentially the “complete” episode of the radio show where they talked about Tactics Ogre a lot.
“After School King” went through a lot of different hosts. I wonder why that is?
I still haven’t gotten any archives of the “Shirikon Chounaikai” show that the 2nd ROM down here is based off of.
爆笑問題の放課後の王様・ゲーム部1995年12月30日 link
There was also another radio program uploaded under the “Satellaview” search, but I don’t think it’s related to the Satellaview specifically… it’s dated 2005. Well, I only have myself to blame for not being able to read Japanese enough. If anyone can help me figure this little tidbit out, that’d be nice. Regardless of it’s relevance, it’s got the “St.GIGA” branding, so it should be useful regardless. The title Google-Translates out as “Analog Waves”.
[BS-5ch]アナログ放送停波2005.03.31[St.GIGA] link