A Satellaview research blog.

Two new dumps for today, and a great day for Map 1.

Hey, LuigiBlood here. Today is a great day.

Now, not for the blog itself as of now as the blog engine updated and broke a lot of things, where japanese became mojibake garbage, we will look into that, promised.

But I have not one, but two dumps today.


Let’s get the big one out of the way, we now have a dump of BS Zelda Map 1 Week 1 courtesy of a really cool guy, Matthew Callis!

For the bit of info dump, it is the rerun updated version, as seen by the following screenshots where the compass boss dot is red instead of green as the original version was.

A quick compare with the Week 4 dump shows that the content has quite some differences here and there, it needs to be looked into further.

Aside from the mismatch of original and rerun versions, what this means is that we finally have a complete collection of legit dumps of all BS Zelda Map 1 Weeks, which honestly is nothing short of a miracle 21 years after the end of the Satellaview service!

Now let’s keep in mind: Playing the original dump will work, but it might not save as it depends on the PSRAM program that runs the main content download. The game will also crash at :57 as it attempts to go back to the PSRAM program which isn’t dumped.

Unfortunately, the PSRAM program was never dumped and cannot be dumped through our usual means, as the PSRAM memory content gets lost on power off, which means the only way to get it is either from an engineer who cared about dumping content was interested back when the service was available, or through other means like recording the satellite bitstream signal (which was done by someone who unfortunately lost the digital tapes…). But until then, that content has to be recreated.

Here’s the download link:

BS Legend of Zelda – Map 1 Week 1 (Rerun, 1/1)
ROM Download


But I said two dumps, as the other comes from techknight, with this time a retail Super Famicom game that was released on Satellaview called Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Twin.

It is sorta amazing to see the Pink Panther in such a game, which of course is a slot machine. I have compared the game with the retail ROM dump, and it is strictly identical; header info aside. There is also a single start left, and it is suspected that the download was not really completed as the Flash allocation information was not properly put in place.

What this essentially means is that the full game was sent like a demo to be played a single time, and the save is temporary as well.

Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Twin (BS)
ROM Download

It may not be as interesting as you think but Satellaview preservation is also about keeping track of these games. Have fun 🙂

SD 2 Gundam with a redump

LuigiBlood here, bringing now a redump of SD Gundam G-Next’s GNEXT MAP DATA with a different date: 2/25.

This redump was done by techknight! However if I was just going to bring this dump and that would be it, that wouldn’t be fun isn’t it?

Because there’s little to no instructions on how to actually make use of this extra content for SD Gundam G-NEXT, it gets really confusing and fast, I have done my research.

First of all, load SD Gundam G-NEXT with the Memory Pack with this extra content with the emulator of your choice. The game will absolutely NOT tell you the data has been loaded, making it extra confusing to figure out.

In the main menu, there’s a Scenario mode, a Campaign mode, and what’s called ConfigMap mode. The Satellaview content can only be accessible via the ConfigMap mode where you can set up a custom single player or multi player match with the map and units of your choice, so select that mode.

You can now select maps, and you will need to select three types of maps: a Earth map, a Space map, and a Moon map. All three types are required to start.
The main game contains 7 maps of each type, the extra content brings 3 new Earth maps and 3 new Space maps, here’s a list of them:

Once you selected one of each type, press Start, you will now see the Rule Configuration screen.

The rule config is comprised of 3 pages, you can go to the next page with Select, watch out that the B Button will go back to the Map Select!

I will actually try to explain to the best of my abilities, everything:

  • Page 1:
    • COMMAND: The amount of orders you can give to units in a single turn.
    • TURN: The amount of turns in a match.
    • 軍モード (Army Mode): The amount of army organizations that can be selected (explained later).
    • 勝利条件 (Victory Conditions): Switch conditions that defines a victory.
    • PLAYER: Defines up to 4 players if they’re either Human, Computer or None (NOT)
    • 生産モード (Production Mode): It seems to be related to unit production but I haven’t fully understood it I apologize…
  • Page 2:
    • ORGANIZATION: You can select army organizations here per player, I will explain what’s going on about it after this list.
    • CAPITAL: The starting military funds of each player can be defined here.
    • TEC: Unit Production Technology, it can be set between 1 to 20.
  • Page 3:
    • CAPTAIN MS: You can select a Mobile Suit captain… but I don’t understand how it works.
    • SOUND: You can select between Mono (モノラル) and Stereo (ステレオ) here. For some reason, Mono is the default.
    • 補給 (Supply): You can select between Manual (マニュアル) and Auto (オート)
    • BGM: You can select music for a specific player’s turn.
    • CONTROL: You can select a controller for a specific player’s turn.

Press START once you’re done, to start playing.

Now, a word about the Organizations: Army mode in the base game can be either 6 or 12, here’s what can be selected per player:

  • Army Mode 6:
  • Army Mode 12:

When you have the extra content enabled, Army Mode will change to either 7 or 13, here’s the flags available in that case:

  • Army Mode 7:
  • Army Mode 13:

This flag is the new military organization available.

Hopefully this will clear up a lot of things, I also tried to look up differences between the retail Memory Pack release and the Satellaview download release, but I couldn’t find anything really different.

Now here’s the redump from techknight that you can use:

SD Gundam G-NEXT Unit & Map Collection (Redump, 02/25) | SDガンダムGNEXT ユニット&マップコレクション (2月25日)
ROM Download

This dump is no different from all of the others except the date.

The sound of novelty and horse racing

Here’s a brand new Satellaview Memory Pack dump from Andrew Henderson, with some interesting content, to say the least.

This Memory Pack contains 4 files, filled with brand new undumped content, and everything works.

The first file is オキラクコウザ (お気楽講座), which is actually a first: This is the first dump of a playable Sound Novel Tsukūru DLC!
This is dated June 30th, 1996, and with a bit of a playthrough, this is a very silly one, and it’s fairly hard to find actual information about this.
It starts with a lot of instructions, and a choice between the main story, a minigame and to exit. I did not understand much, unfortunately.

To play it, load the Memory Pack with Sound Novel Tsukuru, select the first option, then the last option, then it should be after the two first samples from the base game.

The second and third file are KANADERU SCORE, which are Ongaku Tsukuru music data. The thing to understand about these files is that they’re basically SRAM backups, not very different in functionality than using ASCII’s Super Turbo File. Loading one of these would replace the SRAM entirely.
What is very interesting however, I believe these are actual downloadable content of some sort because these are some of the actual non converted music used in Ryōma de Yuku!

Normally, you use the convert feature of Ongaku Tsukuru to make a new file compatible with RPG Tsukuru 2 and Sound Novel Tsukuru, but you cannot actually convert back to an editable format, so this is either the Memory Pack of someone who actually made the music, or this was made available via broadcasts.

The fourth file is サテスポDX5号 (Satesupo DX Vol.5), which is a magazine pretty much all about horse racing! You may remember that we have dumped some of these in the past, which also prompted the findings of new Satellaview music (which were in the BS-X ROM the whole time), there’s really not much to say as we don’t really read japanese properly, but we still think these magazines should be preserved too.

The overdump data after those is from a RPG Maker Super Dante title, it cannot be differenciated from any of the Super Dante games like Jewel of Live or Cock-A-Doodle-Doo, there’s nothing to recover.

Here’s the file with the full Memory Pack dump. Again, thanks Andrew Henderson for the dump!

Okirakukouza + Kanaderu Score + Satesupo DX Vol. 5 | お気楽講座 + KANADERU SCORE + サテスポDX5号
ROM Download

And then seperate downloads for each part:

Sound Novel Tsukūru Data – Okirakukouza | 「サウンドノベルツクール」対応データ お気楽講座
ROM Download

ROM Download

Dai-1-Kai BS Satellaview SateSupo DX – Dai-5-gou | 第1回BSサテラビュー杯 サテスポ DX第5号
ROM Download

Guns are going Wild now

LuigiBlood here. Lately someone named Kaeru got in touch with me about Memory Packs that were bought recently, as well as overall Satellaview discussion.

I learned that Wild Guns was one of them, which was at the time, undumped, it was on eBay for a price that we didn’t think it was good, so we passed on it.

After giving advice on how to dump Memory Packs, Kaeru got dumping hardware and dumped the Memory Packs, and allowed me to release the brand new Wild Guns Satellaview release dump, right here.

The game seems slightly different within the data when I compared both the retail japanese release and this one, so they might have done some various small fixes here and there.

There was actually 1 startup left (and it was launched a couple times recently), and it seems the data wasn’t entirely finished being processed, but it is correct, and that’s the most important thing.

I have included a ROM with the limited starts removed, but if you use the DRM free BS-X ROM you don’t need it.

WILD GUNS | ワイルドガンズ
ROM Download

We’re going with 2021 de yuku

Our first release of the year, and this one is pretty special.
Thanks to Latesa and sanmaiwashi, we now have the *complete set* of Ryōma de Yuku (龍馬でゆく) for RPG Tsukuru 2.

A lot of times, we preserve a lot of user content made with the Maker series from Memory Packs, but alongside RPG Tsukuru Super Dante games, there were downloadable content for RPG Tsukuru 2, several sets in fact, with new games, music and graphic packs. Really, entire games made with the Maker series that St. GIGA has provided.

Ryōma de Yuku’s scenario was written by Hikari Ōta (太田 光) of the Bakushō Mondai comedy duo, who are very present on Satellaview programs, radio and even seen inside BS-X as NPCs.
It says the maps are designed by Silicon Valley? (it says シリコン町ないかい), which might be an inside joke.

As we are not very good with japanese culture, I’ll rely on Kiddo’s previous research from 2012’s release of the first part: It seems to be a parody of “Ryōma ga Yuku” (竜馬がゆく), which seems to be a highly renowned piece of japanese literature. Maybe it isn’t based on that, but perhaps it will be time for another blog post with more information in the future about this content in particular.

The Memory Pack was kept in extremely good shape: All contents were NOT corrupted after 20 years, which is good to hear.

The contents are the following:

リョウマテ゛ユク・サウント゛1 / Ryōma de Yuku – Sound 1
リョウマテ゛ユク・ク゛ラフィック / Ryōma de Yuku – Graphic
リョウマテ゛ユク・セ゛ンヘ°ン / Ryōma de Yuku – Part 1
リョウマテ゛ユク・コウヘン / Ryōma de Yuku – Part 2
リョウマテ゛ユク・サウント゛2 / Ryōma de Yuku – Sound 2
リョウマテ゛ユク・サウント゛3 / Ryōma de Yuku – Sound 3
リョウマテ゛ユク・カンケツヘン / Ryōma de Yuku – Part Final

During research I found out about リョウマテ゛ユク・ク゛ラフィック / Ryōma de Yuku – Opening, and then Part 1.
I was told the dumped Part 1 is a complete version that includes both the Opening and Part 1, slightly rebalanced, essentially we are not actually missing anything much, it is playable from Start to End.

Considering this is an addon to a game, I figured to also talk about how to load this content in RPG Tsukuru 2. It is impossible to play this on a sd2snes / FXPak for the time being.

On bsnes-plus:
– Go to Load Special -> Load BS-X Slotted Cartridge…
– Load RPG Tsukuru 2 ROM as base cartridge.
– Load Ryōma de Yuku Memory Pack as slot cartridge.

– Go to File -> Load MultiCart…
– Load RPG Tsukuru 2 ROM in Slot A.
– Load Ryōma de Yuku Memory Pack in Slot B.

Then, in RPG Tsukuru 2, wait until the main menu appears. Select Game (ゲーム), then Sample Game (サンプルゲーム), you can then select between the sample game in the cartridge, and then every game found inside the Memory Pack.

Follow the screenshots if you are not sure what to do.

Again, a very special thanks for Latesa to provide this Memory Pack and sanmaiwashi to take his time to dump it.

Ryōma de Yuku (Complete Set) (RPG Tsukuru 2 Data) | 龍馬でゆく!(完全版) (RPGツクール2 データ)
ROM Download

Ryōma de Yuku – Sound Collection SPC Download

EDIT: The soundtrack in SPC format has been added.

2020 Was A Rough Year, But It’s Almost Ogre.

(Yes. I waited that long just for that pun.)

One more release before the year’s end – one I was kinda holding back on for a bit while I thought of how to present it.

Back in February, hendersa found an 8M pack of the 8M Pack demo of Tactics Ogre and put some footage up on this channel.

It was ROM dumped fairly shortly afterwards – I believe hendersa learned how to make a dump himself, which is impressive – and I spent a bit of time analyzing it.

There’s no issues with the dump, and it emulates well enough on just about anything, so we can get right down to the contents.

The game boots right into a pre-set map with a red team and blue team, each with matching sets of characters from Tactics Ogre’s minor character/class pool.

The most interesting thing about this demo is when it clicks in that the player has control over all the characters in the battlefield; regardless of red team or blue team, the 1P controller can check their menus and issue them commands as their turn comes up. If you have a buddy (or group of buddies) around, you can pass the controller to make a sort of multiplayer experience.

Here’s where I give a reminder that Tactics Ogre is normally a completely single-player game. 😀

The header date of the ROM is 10/2. Since it’s not likely for the demo to have been put out long after the retail game’s availability, this makes the download date almost certainly 10/2/1995. That was a Monday, so it’s possible this may have been the demo’s earliest availability, but I can neither confirm or deny that (It does not seem to appear in those scanned Famitsu schedules? Then again, neither did the Cho Aniki demo…)
Tactics Ogre would be released 4 days later.

If you’ve been checking the Satellaview archival videos on NicoNico and from Kukun kun’s YouTube Channel, you can tell that Tactics Ogre was frequently promoted – there’s potentially more to ROM dump for Tactics Ogre regarding magazines with promo screenshots and potentially more radio programming to recover. However, It doesn’t seem like any of the archival recording we have directly references the demo. That said, I might be wrong there. Feel free to correct me if that is the case.

タクティクスオウガ BS版 | Tactics Ogre BS-Ban
ROM Download

We are past the triforce of BS Zelda dumps now

This is LuigiBlood again 🙂

Today is a nice day, sanmaiwashi strikes back with more undumped content, and this time, this is BS Legend of Zelda Map 1 Episode 4!

This may not sound as exciting for most of you who are used to the Mottzilla project, where all 4 episodes are playable, but this is important for long term preservation, as this means we have a finalized Map 1 map for real now.

The previous dumps that we had were Map 1 Episode 3, then Map 2 Episode 1, which was used as a base for a lot of hacks, then sanmaiwashi redumped them, also giving us a clean dump of Map 2 Episode 1 and then a brand new dump of Map 1 Episode 2. Now we have Map 1 Episode 4 !

[サテラビュー] BSゼルダの伝説 第4話 再放送 | BS The Legend of Zelda MAP 1 – Episode 4 (Rerun)
ROM Download
Dumped by sanmaiwashi

Once more interesting research is done, we’ll most likely talk about it in due time. For now, enjoy this release. Thank you again sanmaiwashi for this ROM 🙂


Cabbusses has made some research about this game, let me relay his words:

  1. It is from a rebroadcast, and there’s build differences to show it. The Teleport effect that appears in the Map 2 ROM when you find the Power-bracelet-activated warps is present here.
  2. Another difference is in Level 8 – You know how in Map 2 there’s conveniently-placed bombs before the triple dodongo room, that weren’t there in the Map 1 ROMs? They’re in this revision. Compare these to the NicoNico video uploads to see how they weren’t in the premiere.
    Because of these it may be best to label the ROM in some manner showing it’s a revision (BS Tantei Club was labeled “Saihousou” in old Goodsets previously, which means “Rerun”. Perhaps we may have to opt that again?)

The pink ball is rallying… somewhat

Hey there! This is LuigiBlood, this is my first post here.

I want to give some Satellaview dumps, but first, I want to give a proper release to my only dump so far.

[サテラビュー] BS Nintendo HP 10/18 (BS)
ROM Download
Dumped by LuigiBlood

This is a dump of a digital magazine based on the Nintendo homepage from the web, we had two of them in the past. While it may not be the most interesting, the music is just fascinating and preserving these things is also important.

I have also made a SPC music set including a lot of unused music.
[サテラビュー] BS Nintendo HP 10/18 (BS)
SPC Music Download


Now I know what you are looking for, and that’s the last original Kirby’s Toy Box game, Ball Rally!

I am happy that we have secured it thanks to sanmaiwashi who was happy enough to let us release the dump!
I have to mention a couple sad news about this dump: The Flash memory was rotting away the data, and that means that Ball Rally is not in its pure state.

It also contains another version of Baseball, which the title is different, but the bitrot definitely ate away a lot of data. However, after patching the checksum of both, I have not seen anything out of the ordinary of these versions while playing. But as a result, we have to treat them both as bad dumps as we were not able to repair the data.

The download includes the original Memory Pack dump as well as seperate playable files with the checksum changed (the data stays as is).

Title ScreenIn-Game

[サテラビュー] カービィのおもちゃ箱 – ベースボール & ボールラリー | Kirby’s Toy Box – Baseball & Ball Rally (BS) [Bad Dump]
Original Dump + Checksum Patched ROMs Download
Dumped by sanmaiwashi

Have fun with the final piece of Kirby’s Toy Box… okay there’s technically only two left, which is Megaton Punch and Samurai Kirby, both of which are straight up standalone versions of the minigames from Kirby Super Star, which according to people I talked to who have played it, seems identical.

It’s not impossible that I make a couple posts from now on, with some talking points that I feel are important to talk about, and possibly more dumps in the future!