LuigiBlood here, bringing now a redump of SD Gundam G-Next’s GNEXT MAP DATA with a different date: 2/25.
This redump was done by techknight! However if I was just going to bring this dump and that would be it, that wouldn’t be fun isn’t it?

Because there’s little to no instructions on how to actually make use of this extra content for SD Gundam G-NEXT, it gets really confusing and fast, I have done my research.
First of all, load SD Gundam G-NEXT with the Memory Pack with this extra content with the emulator of your choice. The game will absolutely NOT tell you the data has been loaded, making it extra confusing to figure out.

In the main menu, there’s a Scenario mode, a Campaign mode, and what’s called ConfigMap mode. The Satellaview content can only be accessible via the ConfigMap mode where you can set up a custom single player or multi player match with the map and units of your choice, so select that mode.

You can now select maps, and you will need to select three types of maps: a Earth map, a Space map, and a Moon map. All three types are required to start.
The main game contains 7 maps of each type, the extra content brings 3 new Earth maps and 3 new Space maps, here’s a list of them:

Once you selected one of each type, press Start, you will now see the Rule Configuration screen.

The rule config is comprised of 3 pages, you can go to the next page with Select, watch out that the B Button will go back to the Map Select!
I will actually try to explain to the best of my abilities, everything:
- Page 1:
- COMMAND: The amount of orders you can give to units in a single turn.
- TURN: The amount of turns in a match.
- 軍モード (Army Mode): The amount of army organizations that can be selected (explained later).
- 勝利条件 (Victory Conditions): Switch conditions that defines a victory.
- PLAYER: Defines up to 4 players if they’re either Human, Computer or None (NOT)
- 生産モード (Production Mode): It seems to be related to unit production but I haven’t fully understood it I apologize…
- Page 2:
- ORGANIZATION: You can select army organizations here per player, I will explain what’s going on about it after this list.
- CAPITAL: The starting military funds of each player can be defined here.
- TEC: Unit Production Technology, it can be set between 1 to 20.
- Page 3:
- CAPTAIN MS: You can select a Mobile Suit captain… but I don’t understand how it works.
- SOUND: You can select between Mono (モノラル) and Stereo (ステレオ) here. For some reason, Mono is the default.
- 補給 (Supply): You can select between Manual (マニュアル) and Auto (オート)
- BGM: You can select music for a specific player’s turn.
- CONTROL: You can select a controller for a specific player’s turn.
Press START once you’re done, to start playing.
Now, a word about the Organizations: Army mode in the base game can be either 6 or 12, here’s what can be selected per player:
- Army Mode 6:

- Army Mode 12:

When you have the extra content enabled, Army Mode will change to either 7 or 13, here’s the flags available in that case:
- Army Mode 7:

- Army Mode 13:

flag is the new military organization available.
Hopefully this will clear up a lot of things, I also tried to look up differences between the retail Memory Pack release and the Satellaview download release, but I couldn’t find anything really different.
Now here’s the redump from techknight that you can use:
SD Gundam G-NEXT Unit & Map Collection (Redump, 02/25) | SDガンダムGNEXT ユニット&マップコレクション (2月25日)
ROM Download
This dump is no different from all of the others except the date.