Hello, it’s Cabbusses again. Just wanted to give a note on future updates, because they should be coming soon.
For various reasons, LuigiBlood has not been able to do updates. I’ve been trying to pick up the slack, but it’s been pretty overwhelming, so at present, danyl has been recruited to work on the followup to “The Biggest Batch So Far”.
That said, that was back in March, and now it’s April.
I may have to take bits of the batch and release them in chunks along the way. I’ve been accumulating screenshots and video for this, but due to circumstances it’s been taking longer than I expected.
So in the meantime, let me post about some personal hacking and tinkering I’ve been doing, or had done and forgot to post about it.
I’m going to do this in chronological order:
First, a WIP on an attempt to create BS Zelda: Inishie no Sekiban’s PSRAM data (Download link is here)
This is not particularly far along, but you can actually use it in conjunction with certain BS Zelda: Sekiban patches to play the ROMs on Satellawave with indoor tiles. Ideal end goal is a complete recreation of missing data, but having something that plays with an unpatched ROM would be a good idea for the future.
BS Zelda “Roto for Satellawave” WIP – Map 1 – download
Map 2
A project with the end goal of making a BS Zelda that can play start-to-finish on a Satellawave setup, based on Roto’s old work. Some things were disabled or re-eneabled to make things work. The clock system can bug out on a reset. Map 2’s ROM doesn’t have music enabled and I forget why… dagnabbit, I should had posted about these when I first made them.
WIPs on Event Plaza recreations, useful for Satellawave:

Right-Click -> Save As is enabled here again so you are free to do that to save these.
Or you can grab them here.
More may come later! Also, these may be updated to improve accuracy.
Alright, what else did I have?
Ah, yeah.

I hacked BS Super Mario USA to find Worlds 3 and 6.
3000C in any of the BSSMUSA ROMs sets the episode. Using values outside the expected ones can give chaotic results and crashes, but with a clock-disabling patch you can access the dummied out worlds. They are missing Mario Statues, but are pretty playable otherwise.
BS Super Mario USA – Dummied World hacks – download