Our first release of the year, and this one is pretty special.
Thanks to Latesa and sanmaiwashi, we now have the *complete set* of Ryōma de Yuku (龍馬でゆく) for RPG Tsukuru 2.

A lot of times, we preserve a lot of user content made with the Maker series from Memory Packs, but alongside RPG Tsukuru Super Dante games, there were downloadable content for RPG Tsukuru 2, several sets in fact, with new games, music and graphic packs. Really, entire games made with the Maker series that St. GIGA has provided.
Ryōma de Yuku’s scenario was written by Hikari Ōta (太田 光) of the Bakushō Mondai comedy duo, who are very present on Satellaview programs, radio and even seen inside BS-X as NPCs.
It says the maps are designed by Silicon Valley? (it says シリコン町ないかい), which might be an inside joke.
As we are not very good with japanese culture, I’ll rely on Kiddo’s previous research from 2012’s release of the first part: It seems to be a parody of “Ryōma ga Yuku” (竜馬がゆく), which seems to be a highly renowned piece of japanese literature. Maybe it isn’t based on that, but perhaps it will be time for another blog post with more information in the future about this content in particular.
The Memory Pack was kept in extremely good shape: All contents were NOT corrupted after 20 years, which is good to hear.

The contents are the following:
リョウマテ゛ユク・サウント゛1 / Ryōma de Yuku – Sound 1
リョウマテ゛ユク・ク゛ラフィック / Ryōma de Yuku – Graphic
リョウマテ゛ユク・セ゛ンヘ°ン / Ryōma de Yuku – Part 1
リョウマテ゛ユク・コウヘン / Ryōma de Yuku – Part 2
リョウマテ゛ユク・サウント゛2 / Ryōma de Yuku – Sound 2
リョウマテ゛ユク・サウント゛3 / Ryōma de Yuku – Sound 3
リョウマテ゛ユク・カンケツヘン / Ryōma de Yuku – Part Final
During research I found out about リョウマテ゛ユク・ク゛ラフィック / Ryōma de Yuku – Opening, and then Part 1.
I was told the dumped Part 1 is a complete version that includes both the Opening and Part 1, slightly rebalanced, essentially we are not actually missing anything much, it is playable from Start to End.
Considering this is an addon to a game, I figured to also talk about how to load this content in RPG Tsukuru 2. It is impossible to play this on a sd2snes / FXPak for the time being.
On bsnes-plus:
– Go to Load Special -> Load BS-X Slotted Cartridge…
– Load RPG Tsukuru 2 ROM as base cartridge.
– Load Ryōma de Yuku Memory Pack as slot cartridge.

– Go to File -> Load MultiCart…
– Load RPG Tsukuru 2 ROM in Slot A.
– Load Ryōma de Yuku Memory Pack in Slot B.

Then, in RPG Tsukuru 2, wait until the main menu appears. Select Game (ゲーム), then Sample Game (サンプルゲーム), you can then select between the sample game in the cartridge, and then every game found inside the Memory Pack.
Follow the screenshots if you are not sure what to do.

Again, a very special thanks for Latesa to provide this Memory Pack and sanmaiwashi to take his time to dump it.
Ryōma de Yuku (Complete Set) (RPG Tsukuru 2 Data) | 龍馬でゆく!(完全版) (RPGツクール2 データ)
ROM Download
Ryōma de Yuku – Sound Collection SPC Download
EDIT: The soundtrack in SPC format has been added.