A Satellaview research blog.

Having a ROM not play music can actually be sorta fun sometimes.

When I went to record myself playing BS Super Mario USA for Youtube, I realized that many folks wouldn’t tune in to it without BGM.
So, I figured an idea! I have a large Super Mario Arrange music collection, threw it up randomized on Winamp, and had it play in the background while I recorded!

Results after the “more”.

6 thoughts on Having a ROM not play music can actually be sorta fun sometimes.

  1. Sorry for the off topic, but I have a important question for you.
    Ikari_01 want’s to add a Satellaview support to his Flashcard and I told him to use “Treasure Conflix” as sample, because many Emulators fail to play this rom.
    He asked me if the rom has been dumped well. Can you give any informations for this?

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