A bit of a time ago I ripped all the SPCs I could from the “Sousa Sentai Wappers 1”, “Sousa Sentai Wappers 2”, and “Sousa Sentai Wappers Shoushuu Hen” ROMs.
I tried submitting them to SNESMusic.org but apparently I need proper song titles before these can be accepted, so… actually, the “Shoushuu Hen” ones actually have JP Song titles. If these could be translated, maybe that’ll work.
You can get the current version of my Wappers music rips in a nice RSN set here.
For your convenience, I will also supply Mp3s, and pictures of the track names for the ones I can supply. Just use the “more” button to check them all out.
Shoushuu Hen –
Track ?? – This one is not in the Sound Test
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Track 9
From 1 & 2;
Episode Title Card Jingle
Intermission Jingle
Short, Victorious Fanfare
Ending 1
Ending 2