Hey, LuigiBlood here.
…this is way overdue, I really should have released this stuff much earlier, but I’m righting the wrong now.
First things first:
Coming from Marko, and dumped by Kundenbetreuung, a redump of BS Super Mario USA Episode 3, it is literally the same as previous dumps, but here it is anyway for posterity:
BS Super Mario USA – Power Challenge – Dai-3-kai | BSスーパーマリオUSA パワーチャレンジ 第3回
ROM Download
From Aaron Cincinatus… LITERALLY ANOTHER variant of BS Dragon Quest I.

Considering the game contains all 4 episodes in one, and the way it is downloaded prevents us to really understand when it is from, but I can just notice that the data is different from the two other dumps of this game.
BS Dragon Quest I | BSドラゴンクエストI
ROM Download
Techknight came back with more dumps of all kinds, but the most interesting one is another retail game that has seen a release on Satellaview:

This is Nintama Rantarou Special, a game adaptation of the japanese anime series Nintama Rantarou. It has a lot of talking, including some minigame segments for ninja training and also a platformer. This was released as a Super Famicom cartridge title in Japan. The game seems to have about ~20% of differences when compared with the retail ROM.
Nintama Rantarou Special | 忍たま乱太郎すぺしゃる
ROM Download
He also provides us another redump of Yoshi no Panepon, downloaded on July 25th (year unknown), there are no differences with other dumps:
Yoshi no Panepon – BS Version (7-25) | ヨッシーのパネポンBS版
ROM Download
And then a bunch of Ongaku Tsukuru user made music, which you can play in Ongaku Tsukuru:
Kanaderu Score 1
ROM Download
Kanaderu Score 2
ROM Download
And one of the best for last, which is insane that we finally have a dump:

From Andrew Henderson, who provided us dumps before, this is the first dump of content for Shigesato Itoi’s Bass Fishing No.1!
This is a magazine containing tons of tips and tricks, as well as a leaderboard. This magazine is different from the others, because it is a magazine that has to be launched from the game, and not BS-X!
So after downloading this magazine, you had to switch cartridges, put the Memory Pack in the game’s cartridge and then select Memory Pack from the main menu:

This is making me very happy, and of course, it contains brand new magazine music, which I totally ripped as SPC format and uploaded for you all:
Weekly Bass Fishing No.1 Magazine Vol.24 | 週刊 バス釣りNo.1 マガジン Vol.24
ROM Download
Weekly Bass Fishing No.1 Magazine Vol.24 | 週刊 バス釣りNo.1 マガジン Vol.24
SPC Download
I will have more to release very soon, but enjoy these in the meantime!