A Satellaview research blog.

Bounty Prize Check! We found BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1!

This is LuigiBlood. One day after Did You Know Gaming’s video about the Satellaview, which I do recommend a watch (but also definitely read the corrections in the comments because there were a few things I was bothered with), we were offered the first dump of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1!


We partnered with the people who made BS F-Zero Deluxe to ensure the legitimacy of the data as well as additional analysis, and of course, updating BS F-Zero Deluxe as well, and yes, this person who dumped it received the bounty prize money ($2500 per week found) that was offered a while back. Unfortunately, this data does not contain the Week 2 data, which means we only get Forest I and Forest II. Who knows what would be the undertaking for Forest III and Metal Fort I and II. The bounty prize for Week 2 ($2500) is still up for grabs, so if you find it, definitely go to us and we’ll talk (see at the bottom for more information).

I also would like to take this moment to talk about what BS F-Zero is truly about. It’s not just bringing F-Zero to Satellaview, and as you may possibly know, it was also a soundlink game, making the use of the radio audio broadcast as you play the game.

It was an attempt to provide competitive gameplay, particularly focused on time attack, while having live commentary, giving precise information on how to be even more efficient on the track within a limited time, with even a demo example of how to play the track right before training and then Grand Prix. The machines are also different from the original game, which were in BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 already, with their own stats, differing from the original game.

Two months before BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2’s premiere broadcast, a Practice version was broadcasted to be played as much as you wanted, with the 4 new tracks from previously broadcasted BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 in one place, alongside the brand new Mute City IV. This was dumped and redumped so many times. If you played F-Zero 99 not too long ago, those are the same tracks as the newly added Ace League in that game, and honestly a major thing that happened with Satellaview content officially from Nintendo, worldwide this time, which is insane. Here’s hoping for more in the future.

But as I said earlier, BS F-Zero Grand Prix is not really just about the new tracks and new machines. They had ghost data from the staff to run against, while live commenters give you tips and tricks on how to beat them as you play, and in this installment, one of the commenters is Barbie Suzuki, which we believe is actually Toshiaki Suzuki, the director of this game, but also many other Satellaview projects and more. In response to the first Grand Prix, they tried to make it easier for new players, with Forest I for example, where the track is very simple and easy to manuver in. The ghost data for this one is even played by Bucky Koba, one of the commenters, who wasn’t necessarily a good player.

It is more experimental than you think it is, and a stark contrast from games like BS Legend of Zelda which used the soundlink audio more to bring more of a story mood on top of the game. Excitebike Bun Bun Mario Battle tried a similar thing too, a focus on competitive time attack, but BS F-Zero is more about to learn how to play, maybe trying to give everyone sort of an even playing field. Who knows if Nintendo tried to do a huge eSports-like focus on this one, but the potential presence of actual game staff on this one would definitely elevate this a little bit further. Remember this is Satellaview, everyone is playing at the same time as everyone else on their own system.

Danyl gave the broadcasts list of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2:

1997/08/10~1997/08/16(第1週, Week 1)、1997/08/17~1997/08/23(第2週, Week 2)
1997/10/12~1997/10/18(第1週, Week 1)、1997/10/19~1997/10/25(第2週, Week 2)

The fact that until now, all we had was all 4 weeks of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 and the Practice version of BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 is just kind of insane. The hopes were so lost that we got the amazing recreation based on the uploads from VHS footage in BS F-Zero Deluxe. This is not the first time this kind of work has been done, the work done to make BS Legend of Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets playable is a similar kind of deal, where data was simply missing and had to recreated from footage.

In fact, if you miss it, you can find another blog post that contains a comparison between the recreation and original data here, you would be impressed:

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 1 – Reconstructed VS Original Data comparison

So, here it is; first the regular Satellaview dump, then GuyPerfect also made a standalone mod, that can be played no matter the setting, so you can just fast forward however you like.

And of course, BS F-Zero Deluxe has been updated to make use of the data of the new dump!


BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 – Dai-1-shuu (8/10)
ROM Download

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 – Dai-1-shuu (Standalone Mod Pre-patched)
ROM Download

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 1 & 2 – Standalone Mod Patch v1.0
Patch Download Page

BS F-Zero Deluxe v1.1
Patch Download Page

A huge thanks to the anonymous benefactor for providing this dump, as well as GuyPerfect, Porthor and PowerPanda from BS F-Zero Deluxe team to help make this release possible.

But I want to take this opportunity to also talk about Satellaview preservation: It is hard, and quite frankly and I want to stress this part: very expensive.
It is not necessarily fun to get through Memory Packs, especially since BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 would actually not be visible in menus.
This is the kind of stuff you would only know if you dump the memory of it and not really before. Then count the fact that we release them in the wild, which is almost like throwing money away. There is a possibility that we would never be able to preserve BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 2. We dumped an not insignificant amount of Memory Packs to get this one, up to several hundreds. We got some nice stuff on the way to this one, but nothing that would necessarily bring as much attention as this one.

And, yes, I’ll repeat, the bounty prize ($2500) for Week 2 is still up for grabs! The person behind the dump for Week 1 has received the prize for that one. It’s real serious, if you needed some reassurance about that.
Just to really make sure: Finding BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Week 2 requires dumping regardless, soundlink games do NOT show up on the menu normally. Those BS-X menu screenshots earlier are from a hacked version of BS-X that removes protection that prevents those from showing up, but the data is still in the Memory Pack as is.

(That all said, if you have other stuff to share, we can talk too.)

“Check” it Out: For July 4th, The Real American Wai to Release a ROM… “English, mutha*****, we speak it!”

EDIT: Correction on something near the bottom of the page. “Pro Mahjong Kiwame” was listed as a redump. It turns out, the 8M pack version was not dumped before. It matches retail. The original text has not been changed since re-formatting the article to accomodate this info would be a bit a pain.

For America’s Independence Day, we are celebrating by releasing new ROM dumps alongside their already-complete English translations!
This ROM release comes with a writeup by NewsFedora.
(Preface by Cabbusses)

Today we bring you something that is both new but still familiar: two more dumps of WaiWai Check and another installment of Tamori no Picross.

If you’ve not played WaiWai Check before, these are simple minigames that were broadcast pretty regularly early in the Satellaview’s life. Essentially they’re “spot the difference” games, with each week’s broadcast featuring two different stages to choose from.

We’ve had a few of these dumped in the past and while you don’t NEED to know Japanese to play these, rom hacker Krokodyl has released English translation patches of the three previously dumped WaWai games for added convenience:
WaiWai Kids (https://krokodyl.github.io/post/2023/07/waiwai-kids/),
WaiWai Check 11/15 (https://krokodyl.github.io/post/2023/07/waiwai-check-11-15/) and
WaiWai Check 03/21 (https://krokodyl.github.io/post/2023/07/waiwai-check-3-21/)

Today’s release features two more installments of WaiWai Check and perhaps in a first, we are also simultaneously releasing English translation patches, courtesy Krokodyl!

(Video embed by Cabbusses)

The first dump, WaiWai Check 8/26, also features a 9/6 broadcast of Tamori no Picross.

Wait. Actually, if I may just take a brief detour from the WaiWai Check talk, this dump of Tamori no Picross is also quite notable: while it’s a rebroadcast, it appears to be of a previously unknown and undumped episode that dates to 5/10. If that’s accurate, then that means it was first broadcast only a few weeks after Satellaview’s launch of April 23, 1995! We know there’s at least one more still-undumped episode of Picross, which was part of that April 23 launch-day lineup. But still, finding another episode that’s nearly as old — even if it’s a rebroadcast — gives me hope we can one day find that very first Picross installment.

Ok, now back to WaiWai Check. I believe this is also the oldest WaiWai Check dump we’ve found so far, and features a different title screen compared to later WaiWai Checks.

The first stage features Satellaview mascots Satebo and Parabo. You get a special message if you clear 10 rounds.

The second stage is for an RPG-ish looking level called Blunder Town, which we’ve seen previously in the WaiWai Check 11/15 episode. Krokodyl notes over on his translation github that there are some differences between this episode of WaiWai Check compared to others, as well as secret button combinations needed to access different rounds of Blunder Town.
[As of present, the nature of why these secret codes are needed to progress through this version’s Blunder Town is a mystery, and may need Soundlink audio archival from an earlier date than anything that has been uploaded prior for the context. In the meantime, the codes are on Krokodyle’s site. ~ Cabbusses]

The next dump and translation we have for you today is WaiWai Check 11/22, and it features the title screen seen in the previously dumped 11/15 and 03/21 weeks.
[This dump is credited to danyl. ~ Cabbusses]

The first stage is… Blunder Town. Again.

But on the plus side, the second is a new stage, this time called “Taisho Roman”.

One more noteworthy thing about WaiWai Check 11/22 is that a version of this broadcast has already been dumped and been in circulation for years… but nobody ever noticed it!

This game was present in No-Intro’s “Undake 30 Same Game Daisakusen – Mario Version (Japan)” but had been deleted. It was fully recoverable however, and now with this new dump we can verify that it is identical, with just the name and date being different. As a bonus and for completionist’s sake, we’re including that original No-Intro rom along with its recovered 11/22 WaiWai Check for you all.

Thanks so much to anon for dumping Tamori no Picross 9/6 and WaiWai Check 8/26, Danyl for dumping WaWai Check 11/22, and Krokodyl for translating both WaiWai Checks. Be sure to check out Kroko’s github for the patches as well as more information about playing these games.

タモリのピクロス 9/6 + ワイワイチェック 8/26
Tamori no Picross (9/6) + WaiWai Check (8/26)
Download (contains original 8M dump and split ROMs)

ワイワイチェック 11/22

WaiWai Check 11/22 Saihousou (11/24) from Undake30 dump

WaiWai Check 11/22 (danyl’s redump)

(Kroko’s translation patch links:
https://krokodyl.github.io/post/2024/03/waiwai-check-8-26/ and

We’ve got much, much more on the horizon, so stick around, it’s about to get busy up in here.

BONUS: I’m putting up some assorted redumps.
Most of these are probably not important to anyone outside people wanting dumps to be double-verified, but they may still be useful for research of dates of broadcast.

BS Fire Emblem Dai-3-wa 10/18
BS Marvelous Time Athletic Dai-4-shuu
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo 8/10
BS-X Shooting 7/26
Zooto Mahjong
Sutte Hakkun Event Version 4/10
Nintama Rantarou 2 3/22
Pro Mahjong Kiwame
MARIA – Part 1 1/25
Zelda no Densetsu : Kamigami no Triforce

The biggest batch so far (Part 1)

Hi, LuigiBlood here. I’m late. Very late. Happy Pride month, by the way!

Since the last post in February of this year, a lot of things happened. Anytime I was getting a decent batch, it kept growing up, and delayed it even further. It became almost daunting to manage, especially after a certain anonymous benefactor just dumped like… 40 Memory Packs for me to check since then. Then I kept getting plot twists.

So it got to about 25 things to release. That’s too many to release at once, so I seperated in two batches for me to release some things faster.

I will start with some of the most important stuff, because 2 of these releases has been funded by people:

We actually have been looking for this for a long time. This is the last one of the 3 Dezaemon games that we dumped for a while.

For more context, Dezaemon is a shoot ’em up game editor, released for Famicom, Super Famicom, Playstation, Saturn and Nintendo 64, and with the Super Famicom version, there was also a trilogy of games broadcasted on Satellaview.

This one from the Sugoi STG series was created by Riko Kushida (櫛田理子) from the Game Tora no Ooana (虎の大穴) team, a weekly Satellaview radio program usually coming with a magazine supplement. The name is Jintai (人体) which means Human Body, and boy… does it show.

We finally completed the Satella-Shooting Trilogy, and this one needed some fundraising, and I need to credit the following people who were happy enough to donate money for this:

  • Video Game History Foundation
  • Jonas Rosland
  • cmstar0
  • dillydylan
  • Hiccup
  • History of Hyrule
  • Ballz
  • Matthew Callis
  • Hubz

Amazing STG – Human Body | 凄いSTG 人体
ROM Download


We had known about this one for a while, but we finally have it.

Bounty Sword is one of the very few real time strategy games on the Super Famicom and was released in stores, on a cartridge, the ROM is actually 3 Megabytes!
Considering that the Satellaview Memory Pack only allows 1 Megabyte of storage, this means this is a cut down version.

I’ve left the research to ChronoMoogle, who liked the base game, and was more than happy to help explain differences between the retail and BS Version:

  1. The titlescreen lacks its intro / background animations and has the subtitle “Satellaview Special Time Attack Version”.
  2. The save file menu is missing, it jumps straight into the game after pushing start on the title screen.
  3. The story cutscenes are extremely simplified and only show text.
  4. The map screen and other features between chapters are missing.
  5. Each chapter gives you a time limit of 2 minutes.
    -> If a chapter is beaten within these 2 minutes, the game advances to the next one.
    -> If it reaches zero, the game goes back to the titlescreen without any saved progress.
  6. Dialogue during chapter gameplay seems to be mostly the same, but the player will be reminded how much time is remaining periodically.
  7. It is pretty tough to even beat Stage 1 within 2 minutes, so cheats would probably be needed to check how many chapters of the game are actually in the data.

As this also needed money, I would also thank ChronoMoogle for the funding of this release as well!

Bounty Sword BS Version | バウンティ・ソード BS版
ROM Download


This one is identical to the retail release except for 2 bytes. This is Soreyuke Ebisumaru Karakuri Meiro – Kieta Goemon no Nazo!!, a spinoff game of the Goemon series from Konami, where you guide Goemon’s sidekick, Ebisumaru, to the goal, through a 3D isometric labyrinth by changing the arrow panels as he walks through them.

This was dumped by an anonymous benefactor.

Soreyuke Ebisumaru Karakuri Meiro – Kieta Goemon no Nazo!! (Retail) | それ行け エビス丸からくり迷路 消えたゴエモンの謎!!
ROM Download


This one is also identical to the retail release, it also has no starts left so it won’t show up on the BS-X menu by default, but that can be easily bypassed!

This is a Super Famicom version of one of the games of Activision’s Shanghai series of Mahjong Solitaire, where you just match two identical tiles together to make them disappear, until it’s empty. It’s playable alone or with 2 players competitively.

This was also dumped by an anonymous benefactor.

Shanghai – The Great Wall (Retail) | 上海 万里の長城
ROM Download


This is another retail identical thing, this time however, it’s Lufia & The Fortress of Doom! This one has 2 starts left.

There’s not much to say, it’s the first game of the Lufia RPG series from Taito. I know there’s a lot of retail identical titles for this batch, but Satellaview is also this, a bunch of retail rereleases with limited amounts of starts sometimes, think of them like demos but with the full game.

Huge thanks to Hubz who managed to get this.

Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (Retail) | エストポリス伝記
ROM Download


Okay, we still have some more games that were released on retail, but I promise, this time it’s a bit more interesting:

This is a cut down playable demo version of Supapoon DX! If you leave the game on the title screen, it would show gameplay demos, but also advertises the full game’s content, such as 100 stages in Story Mode, that you can have fun with everyone in Versus Mode, and ends, with, of course, a “Coming Soon!”

It’s a fun breakout clone game that can played in both single player and multiplayer!

The final game is 1 MB, but they actually made a Satellaview demo version with half the size, 512 KB instead.

Huge thanks to sanmaiwashi for sharing this! And thanks to danyl as well for remotivating me to get back in touch with him!

Supapoon DX (Demo) | すぱぽーんDX 体験版
ROM Download


This is a non playable demo showcase of Elfaria II – The Quest of the Meld. Yes, non playable. This is a pretty substancial and very long showcase of the game’s story, characters and RPG gameplay elements, and ends with credits info and the release date and price of the game. This game was never released outside of Japan.

Again, thanks to sanmaiwashi for the dump!

Elfaria II – The Quest of the Meld (Demo) | エルファリアII ザ・クエスト・オブ・ザ・メルド デモ版
ROM Download


Okay, the retail stuff are out of the way for this part 1 of this batch, now back to unique Satellaview content.

More content in the Satellaview magazine format! Freud’s Challenge 11th time. Except it’s literally the same as the 2nd version, 95% of the data is identical, just seems to be sorta recompiled.

Freud’s Challenge is a series of psychological tests (putting aside how Freud isn’t really the best example of our time), where you’re put through a bunch of situations, with a question to answer with several choices, or maybe an image to pick through. It’s certainly one of the many oddities of the Satellaview.

There are dumps of 1 through 6 already, and the fact that 11 is basically 2 is certainly feeling more like a rerun.

Freud’s Challenge – 11th Time (Magazine) | フロイトの挑戦状 第11回
ROM Download


This is data to be used for Same Game Tsume Game. It’s basically custom graphics to select for Same Game. This is named “User Same Game” in the BS-X menu, there are editors for custom graphics for it, but this is… weird. I don’t actually know for certain if it’s user data or a download. I have absolutely no context for it, but I wanted to release an example of addon data for Same Game that isn’t the usual kind from retail stores.

User Same Game (Same Game Data) | ユーザーさめがめ
ROM Download


There were several dumps of BS Nintendo HP. HP stands for Homepage, it’s a Satellaview magazine version of the Nintendo website, where they shared a lot of news about the future of their consoles, incoming games and everything. It used to be deleted via BS-X, so it was “undeleted” to be usable. This means as a result that the data integrity cannot be certain.

The music is also something to behold. This is from February 21st, 1999. Super Smash Bros. even has a full featured menu to explain the game, characters and all!

It’s interesting how late this is, considering Nintendo was about to pull the plug for new Satellaview content support in a month then, leaving St. GIGA alone at the helm after a bad fallout, only able to rebroadcast content.

This dump is brought to you by, again, sanmaiwashi!

BS Nintendo HP Issue 2/21 | BS任天堂HP 2/21号
ROM Download

BS Nintendo HP Issue 2/21 | BS任天堂HP 2/21号
SPC Music Download


I brought you Cheap de Gorgeous Vol. 5 last year, well here’s Vol. 4, dumped by Denizbkg01!

This one was not deleted this time, so the data integrity is totally fine. As a reminder, this is a cooking magazine with recipes and food talk.

The music is the same as Vol. 5, so the music SPC rip is not really needed here.

Cheap de Gorgeous – Vol. 4 (4/26) | チープdeゴージャス Vol. 4 (4/26)
ROM Download


This next one, we owe you an apology. We had this dump since 2019. It seems that in the process of research at the time, the release just was completely forgotten.

A wrong now fixed. This is “Derby Stallion 96 – Nintendo Breeders’ Cup National Betting Championship Tournament 3”, a soundlink title of horse racing where you can bet on horses… for pretty much already predefined races and results for each, you can watch the original broadcast from back then thanks to kukun kun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt2n2l4DLAo

This dump, unfortunately, was corrupted. The download includes both the original dump and a modified version to make it playable.

Derby Stallion 96 – Nintendo Breeders’ Cup National Betting Championship Tournament 3 (Corrupted)
ダビスタ96 任天堂ブリーダーズカップ 全国馬券王者決定戦3
ROM Download


And, finally, the last one for Part 1:

This is sort of an insane one because we had UNDAKE 30 Same Game Mario Version before. And that was it. There were more UNDAKE 30 titles, such as this one.

This is UNDAKE 30 Ura Game Daisakusen, on a similar principle to Same Game where you make all objects attached to the one you selected that are the same disappear, except there’s a twist that some of them change when you select them before it registers. There’s also a hidden golden 7 that makes you gain more points.

This Memory Pack also includes a redump of Kouryaku Casino Bar Kinyoubi – Slots.

UNDAKE 30 Ura Game Daisakusen | UNDAKE 30 うらがめ大作戦
Kouryaku Casino Bar Kinyoubi – Slots (Redump) | 攻略カジノバー金曜日 スロット
ROM Download


Part 2 will come as fast as I can, there’s really a lot of dumps to deal with. You should not wait too long, there’s still interesting stuff to release.

Wario’s First Event and Pirates that beeps

Hey, LuigiBlood here, and happy new year, because I got a nice batch of redumps but also a bunch of new stuff.

I’ll just put the redumps out of the way from an anonymous person, first.

These are all identical to what was dumped in the past so I won’t really explain much, just rely on the included txt file to help you figure out.

BS Marvelous – Time Athletic Course 1 | BSマーヴェラス タイムアスレチック コース1 (Redump + “Fixed” header)
ROM Download

F-Zero (Retail, Redump)
ROM Download

Super Bomberman (Retail, Redump)
ROM Download

Now, the cooler stuff:

From Ballz who got us a nice Memory Pack with a new version of WaiWai Check, dumped by our nice Matthew Callis 🙂

It’s basically a series of spot the difference under a time limit game, which can be played up to players, and of course you can have a password to send via postcard.

These have gotten different versions dumped in the past, but this one is from a different date, and names itself a rerun, so this seems interesting. It’s a pretty fun game, actually.

The Memory Pack also contains Kouryaku Casino Bar Nichiyoubi – Roulette but it’s actually corrupted.

WaiWai Check! 11/15 Rerun | わいわいチェック! 11/15 再放送
ROM Download


Now all the rest are from people who prefers to stay anonymous:

This is Jissen! Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Yamasa Densetsu. This is just the exact same data as the retail game, but it is technically new because we had never found this one on Satellaview before. The music actually impressed me a lot when I tried it (and then didn’t understand how to even play).

There’s really a lot of casino and pachislot games, aren’t there?

Jissen! Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Yamasa Densetsu | 実戦パチスロ必勝法!山佐伝説
ROM Download


This one scared me. The file name is actually different, but it’s STILL BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Practice. But it’s… weirdly different in the data itself that I thought it deserved a bit of attention because of the Password screen actually showing up this time, according to TCRF this screen does not really show up normally, but I played this and it does show up here.

I couldn’t tell any other difference otherwise, but I’m sure some F-Zero fans could maybe check.

BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 Practice (6/7)
ROM Download


I asked ChronoMoogle to help me figure out this new magazine, and he wrote a nice summary:

Zubari Sangatsu Gou (Concise March Issue) is a month-themed magazine by St. Giga.

It features the following sections:
1. A section looking at cultural customs, dishes, events and such of March
2. Holidays of the month – Vernal Equinox Day (Shunbun no Hi) in this case
3. Advertisement for the flower store Shimojima with related present raffle
4. Music Charts – Consisting of the “current” Top 20 most sold CDs in Japan and a International Top 20 curated by St. Giga
5. New book recommendations, advertising Kodansha
6. Advertisement for seasonal sweets from Toraya
7. Horoscopes of the month

The magazine uses fonts from the BS-X BIOS, but the graphics (mostly backgrounds and pixelated photos) and more importantly, the music appears to be stored in the ROM, so there might be some original BGMs in there.

The other thing that the anonymous person made me pay attention on, this magazine released around the time when Nintendo would stop support for the Satellaview entirely, as they dropped around that time after a pretty complicated to explain debacle between Nintendo and St. GIGA’s future planning…

Again, thanks to ChronoMoogle to help us figure this out 🙂

Zubari Sangatsu Gou | ずばり3月号
ROM Download

Zubari Sangatsu Gou | ずばり3月号
SPC Download


Wario’s Woods on Satellaview is kinda weird, it had a lot of presence somehow, we got several versions of it, but I believe this is the last one to find: this is Wario’s Woods Event Version 1.

We had Version 2 before, and if you wonder who are these people, they’re part of Bakusho Mondai performers and they’re Satellaview personalities who show up on the radio on Satellaview.

There are changed menus and stuff, but the naming of the file is weird. “Event Wario 5/18 Version 2” which is… very unclear. I’m not entirely sure of the context here, but I’m glad that we have sort of completed the Wario’s Woods Satellaview collection.

Wario’s Woods – Event Version 1 | ワリオの森 イベントバージョン Ver. 1
ROM Download


Now the real star of the show:

After many many years, we finally got Pico Pico Pirates! It was a game that we knew the existence of for a long time, but simply could never find it until today.

The developer is not really listed, there are rumors that it was made during a seminar, but there’s no definitive source for that. The game kinda feels like Super Scope 6 in some way, but make no mistake, it isn’t.

This is basically a game where you shoot pirates from a flying Super Nintendo controller, and of course, you have to press the buttons where they show up at. It gets really crazy after several stages of this, it is difficult to finish.

But this isn’t the only thing that we could find from this specific Memory Pack…

There’s another RPG Maker Super Dante game in it, which a portion of the data was overwritten by Pico Pico Pirates.

After comparing with other Satellaview Super Dante games, I found out that this is actually completely recoverable, and while we cannot confirm the full validity of the data, this meant this could be made playable, and lucky are we when I found out there’s a video of this specific RPG on YouTube:

The intro seems to fully correspond to what I have, so I made the header data correspond to the video. This is the first time that I have recovered something in this way, and I’m glad that it works.

This is called Sugoi RPG? (could be translated like “A Great RPG?”, this seems to be the second and final part of it, where visibly a lot of events happened and seems to be a game that doesn’t take itself seriously featuring Famitsu and its staff.

Here’s the download to get both:

Pico Pico Pirates | PICO PICO パイレーツ
“A Great RPG?” -Last Part- | 「すごいRPG?」ーこうへんー (Recovered)
ROM Download

And there you have it folks, I’m very glad that we got a bunch of previously undumped Satellaview content today, and here’s to have more of them in the future!

A huge thanks to everyone involved for these releases!

New dumps and redumps, and name corrections.

It’s time for another Satellaview post from yours’ truly, LuigiBlood.

We’ve got a bunch of dumps to share, some of which I should have shared earlier again but I’m here to make it right.

Coming from an anonymous source, another redump of Wario’s Woods Futatabi which the date is 8/11 this time.
It is identical to what is already dumped in the past.

Wario no Mori Futatabi (8/11) | ワリオの森 再び (8/11)
ROM Download

Then all of other dumps come from PrincessBeef, and there’s a lot of them:

It turns out that we got another dump of Bakushow Mondai no Totsugeki! Star Pirates, the other one was Week 1, this one is Week 3! It is a quiz show hosted by Bakushou Mondai performers and others, all Satellaview personality.

That said the dump was unfortunately corrupted, so the Download link will provide the original bad dump, and a version where the checksum is manually fixed, but make no mistake, we don’t know what has corrupted and we cannot fix it for certain.

Bakushow Mondai no Totsugeki! Star Pirates – Dai-3-wa | 爆笑問題の突撃!スターパイレーツ 第3回 (Bad)
ROM Download


Then another set of magazines, both of which are undumped volumes of magazines we’ve dumped in the past.

Do-Re-Mi de Faa~! is a magazine dedicated to music, Top 20 of CD sales, and other things, this is Volume 9 from 5/25.

Then there’s BS Famitsu Magazine Kawara-ban Issue 5/24, which was named Weekly Famitsu Express but this is not really the right name.
It turns out the name Kawara-ban would mean like, Tile Print, from the Edo period, and would be considered like Prospectus, it is something that really hammers home how it is a smaller version of Famitsu magazine.

Both came from the same Memory Pack, which I have included in the Download.

Do-Re-Mi de Faa~! Vol. 9 – 5-25 Gou | ドレミでふぁ~!5/25号 Vol.9
ROM Download

BS Famitsu Magazine Kawara-ban 5/24 Gou | BSファミ通マガジン かわら版 5/24号
ROM Download


Now, another issue of… okay so we said “Machi Magazine Idol Diary Media – Strawberry,” but the name is woolly inaccurate, a proper name would more be like “Future Idol Development System – Media Strawberry”, where… there’s no volume number, we can only rely on the date which is 4/17. Another issue we got was 3/22, which is Volume 12, so this should be dated after, in theory.

The first screenshot explains what kind of magazine it is, courtesy of Google Translate which seems to fairly translate what it is about:

This magazine type program is an entertainment idol catalog in which young girls dreaming of becoming stars of tomorrow appear one after another.

The memory pack also contains some leftover data which I couldn’t decipher, but I’ll include it anyway.

Mirai-gata Idol Kaihatsu System – Media Strawberry – 4/17 | 未来型アイドル開発システム メディアストロベリー 4/17
ROM Download


Another Memory Pack with several things in them. The first is a magazine program I’ve never seen before: Satella Yokochō, which we could translate like, Satella Street?

It seems to include a bunch of information about BS-X lore involving the characters and their names! It seems to talk about the local rumors and whatnot, but my knowledge of japanese is still limited and would rather not go too much into the things if I don’t think I understand them easily, but this is cool to have!

And then, a full Super Famicom title: Super Soukoban! And it is absolutely 1:1 corresponding to the retail release, the only thing different is the header part.

The full Memory Pack dump is included with both, it includes leftover graphics from something else, but I couldn’t figure out what it actually is.

Satella Yokochō – 8-24 Gou | さてら横丁8/24号
ROM Download

Super Soukoban | スーパー倉庫番
ROM Download


And last, but not least, from Hard4Games, an anonymous source and PrincessBeef, a collection of RPG Maker 2, Sound Novel Maker and Music Maker user content!

Collection of Maker Series User Content dumps (2022-08-28)
ROM Download

I may as well because it is still pretty entertaining to check them out.

Redumps and New Dumps that’s overdue

Hey, LuigiBlood here.

…this is way overdue, I really should have released this stuff much earlier, but I’m righting the wrong now.

First things first:

Coming from Marko, and dumped by Kundenbetreuung, a redump of BS Super Mario USA Episode 3, it is literally the same as previous dumps, but here it is anyway for posterity:

BS Super Mario USA – Power Challenge – Dai-3-kai | BSスーパーマリオUSA パワーチャレンジ 第3回
ROM Download


From Aaron Cincinatus… LITERALLY ANOTHER variant of BS Dragon Quest I.

Considering the game contains all 4 episodes in one, and the way it is downloaded prevents us to really understand when it is from, but I can just notice that the data is different from the two other dumps of this game.

BS Dragon Quest I | BSドラゴンクエストI
ROM Download


Techknight came back with more dumps of all kinds, but the most interesting one is another retail game that has seen a release on Satellaview:

This is Nintama Rantarou Special, a game adaptation of the japanese anime series Nintama Rantarou. It has a lot of talking, including some minigame segments for ninja training and also a platformer. This was released as a Super Famicom cartridge title in Japan. The game seems to have about ~20% of differences when compared with the retail ROM.

Nintama Rantarou Special | 忍たま乱太郎すぺしゃる
ROM Download

He also provides us another redump of Yoshi no Panepon, downloaded on July 25th (year unknown), there are no differences with other dumps:

Yoshi no Panepon – BS Version (7-25) | ヨッシーのパネポンBS版
ROM Download

And then a bunch of Ongaku Tsukuru user made music, which you can play in Ongaku Tsukuru:

Kanaderu Score 1
ROM Download

Kanaderu Score 2
ROM Download


And one of the best for last, which is insane that we finally have a dump:

From Andrew Henderson, who provided us dumps before, this is the first dump of content for Shigesato Itoi’s Bass Fishing No.1!

This is a magazine containing tons of tips and tricks, as well as a leaderboard. This magazine is different from the others, because it is a magazine that has to be launched from the game, and not BS-X!

So after downloading this magazine, you had to switch cartridges, put the Memory Pack in the game’s cartridge and then select Memory Pack from the main menu:

This is making me very happy, and of course, it contains brand new magazine music, which I totally ripped as SPC format and uploaded for you all:

Weekly Bass Fishing No.1 Magazine Vol.24 | 週刊 バス釣りNo.1 マガジン Vol.24
ROM Download

Weekly Bass Fishing No.1 Magazine Vol.24 | 週刊 バス釣りNo.1 マガジン Vol.24
SPC Download

I will have more to release very soon, but enjoy these in the meantime!

Two new dumps for today, and a great day for Map 1.

Hey, LuigiBlood here. Today is a great day.

Now, not for the blog itself as of now as the blog engine updated and broke a lot of things, where japanese became mojibake garbage, we will look into that, promised.

But I have not one, but two dumps today.


Let’s get the big one out of the way, we now have a dump of BS Zelda Map 1 Week 1 courtesy of a really cool guy, Matthew Callis!

For the bit of info dump, it is the rerun updated version, as seen by the following screenshots where the compass boss dot is red instead of green as the original version was.

A quick compare with the Week 4 dump shows that the content has quite some differences here and there, it needs to be looked into further.

Aside from the mismatch of original and rerun versions, what this means is that we finally have a complete collection of legit dumps of all BS Zelda Map 1 Weeks, which honestly is nothing short of a miracle 21 years after the end of the Satellaview service!

Now let’s keep in mind: Playing the original dump will work, but it might not save as it depends on the PSRAM program that runs the main content download. The game will also crash at :57 as it attempts to go back to the PSRAM program which isn’t dumped.

Unfortunately, the PSRAM program was never dumped and cannot be dumped through our usual means, as the PSRAM memory content gets lost on power off, which means the only way to get it is either from an engineer who cared about dumping content was interested back when the service was available, or through other means like recording the satellite bitstream signal (which was done by someone who unfortunately lost the digital tapes…). But until then, that content has to be recreated.

Here’s the download link:

BS Legend of Zelda – Map 1 Week 1 (Rerun, 1/1)
ROM Download


But I said two dumps, as the other comes from techknight, with this time a retail Super Famicom game that was released on Satellaview called Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Twin.

It is sorta amazing to see the Pink Panther in such a game, which of course is a slot machine. I have compared the game with the retail ROM dump, and it is strictly identical; header info aside. There is also a single start left, and it is suspected that the download was not really completed as the Flash allocation information was not properly put in place.

What this essentially means is that the full game was sent like a demo to be played a single time, and the save is temporary as well.

Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Twin (BS)
ROM Download

It may not be as interesting as you think but Satellaview preservation is also about keeping track of these games. Have fun 🙂

The pink ball is rallying… somewhat

Hey there! This is LuigiBlood, this is my first post here.

I want to give some Satellaview dumps, but first, I want to give a proper release to my only dump so far.

[サテラビュー] BS Nintendo HP 10/18 (BS)
ROM Download
Dumped by LuigiBlood

This is a dump of a digital magazine based on the Nintendo homepage from the web, we had two of them in the past. While it may not be the most interesting, the music is just fascinating and preserving these things is also important.

I have also made a SPC music set including a lot of unused music.
[サテラビュー] BS Nintendo HP 10/18 (BS)
SPC Music Download


Now I know what you are looking for, and that’s the last original Kirby’s Toy Box game, Ball Rally!

I am happy that we have secured it thanks to sanmaiwashi who was happy enough to let us release the dump!
I have to mention a couple sad news about this dump: The Flash memory was rotting away the data, and that means that Ball Rally is not in its pure state.

It also contains another version of Baseball, which the title is different, but the bitrot definitely ate away a lot of data. However, after patching the checksum of both, I have not seen anything out of the ordinary of these versions while playing. But as a result, we have to treat them both as bad dumps as we were not able to repair the data.

The download includes the original Memory Pack dump as well as seperate playable files with the checksum changed (the data stays as is).

Title ScreenIn-Game

[サテラビュー] カービィのおもちゃ箱 – ベースボール & ボールラリー | Kirby’s Toy Box – Baseball & Ball Rally (BS) [Bad Dump]
Original Dump + Checksum Patched ROMs Download
Dumped by sanmaiwashi

Have fun with the final piece of Kirby’s Toy Box… okay there’s technically only two left, which is Megaton Punch and Samurai Kirby, both of which are straight up standalone versions of the minigames from Kirby Super Star, which according to people I talked to who have played it, seems identical.

It’s not impossible that I make a couple posts from now on, with some talking points that I feel are important to talk about, and possibly more dumps in the future!