A Satellaview research blog.

MAR/10 ROM Release : Light up your cigarettes, It’s Lily Franky Theater this time !

Intro by Cabbusses: So the ol’ SMG4-spread saying goes, “Mama ****er!”

Today, on Mar10, we reveal to you, we finally got one of the volumes of the most infamous comic series on the service.
I’m not entirely sure how much I can explain in regard to just how sought after these are, but I can at least say this much: Much of the reason these are so infamous is their frequent portrayal of Mario characters doing family-unfriendly activities. Especially physical abuse. Lots of physical abuse.

At present, we don’t know of any radio programs that directly tie into the comics.

Oh, and there’s also a little treat for the Squaresoft fans.
Square Magazine was both a radio program and a ROM magazine with information directly supplied by Squaresoft.
The ROM that has been recovered of that is one for an episode that is not on kukun kun’s YouTube channel.

Both of these are recovered from deleted data.

Do note that for both of these series, this is just one of many, so please continue to support us if you want more of them recovered!

I’ll let Danyl take it from here:

This memory pack includes an Square Magazine about Square news AND a F#CKING episode of Lily Franky Theater ! (Precisely the 34th one from December 4th 1995)

Before to talk about the plot of this volume I am going to give some context :

let me tell you that there were 2 versions of Lily Franky Theater between April 24, 1995 and March 30, 1996 :
a Manga version (まんが) which had begun the April 27th 1995 was called until July 1995: “人として” in this version, Lily Franky in person makes surreal gags about human life.
Also there is a Live-action version (実写版) which has begun April 24th 1995 and will be called by fans “下町人情劇場” which is rather close to the truth because it was first called “下町人情物語” the content of which I do not know and history the only proof I have of its existence is a mention in May 1995 Satellaview Tsushin. It got a 2nd version called “下町人情劇場 親方っ” which tells a love story between Mario and Peach.
During the summer there were 2 summer programs for the 2 versions : リリー夏休み作品 特集! (Manga version) Lily Franky shows comics created by random fans and マリとピノ公の美女評論 (Live-action version) here Mario and Toad criticize random women according to fans suggestions.
but after August 1995 the Live-action version returned with “下町人情劇場 親方っ 2”  (which continue the Mario & Toad plot) and the Manga version with “週間BUSS” (which was called “週間BUSU” during its first broadcast) in addition to “2001年宇宙の人として”, “リリー・フランキー劇場 TURBO” etc. there was a Manga called “Cinco Show” by Rie Fujiwara which we learned in the broadcast of September 6, 1995 that it is a sister for Lily Franky. and the drawing part of the last episode of Shitamachi Ninjo Gekijo is actually the last episode of “週間BUSS”.

here some pictures footage than I found :

Now, here’s the plot of this:
After escaping the jail, Mario & Toad have ended up in Brazil and are trying to go back home… by building an pipe ? (I am surprised by the ability of this program to always take an unexpected direction.)

Thanks to techknight for this.

Square Magazine (1995-12-5) + Lily Franky Theater – Live Action Version (1995-12-4) / スクウェアまがじん (1995-12-5) + リリーフランキー劇場/実写版 (1995-12-4) ROM Download

(Now back to Cabbusses to add some stuff)

Now let’s move on to some less amazing, but nevertheless Mario-themed (?) dumps.

First, some new “builds” for Wario’s Woods.
Here’s an alternative build of “Event Version 1”. How is it different?

It starts out with the same Sava Data manager screen that the Event Version 2 ROM dumped prior does.

Oh! KureKure Mou Race 1996-4 Tsuki-Gou is also included!

Some additional notes by Danyl :

It’s a rerun variant of the Event Ver.1 2nd Revision (our dump which had been aired during July 1995)

So that’s mean than our Event Ver.2 dump is the rerun variant and than we should still find the premiere one

I furnish here the broadcasts list of the Ver.1 rerun variant :

1995/09/06~1995/09/30(1~2 times per day)
1995/10/16, 18, 21(1 time per day)
1995/11/02~1995/11/05(1 time per day)
1995/11/13~1995/11/29(1 time per day)
1995/12/11~1995/12/17(2 times per day)
1995/12/25~1995/12/31(2 times per day)
1996/01/08~1996/01/09(2 times per day)

It’s had been also aired during the very begin of the weekly (or the 2nd broadcast) period :

1996/03/31~1996/04/13(1~2 times per day)

Wario no Mori – Event Version 1 (3/31) + BS KureKure Mou Race – 3-tsuki-gou (4/9)
ROM download

Here’s another Event Version 1. This one was recovered from deletion.
ワリオの森 イベント バージョン Ver 1 9/6 | Wario no Mori – Event Version 1 (9/6)
ROM download

And we’re not out of the woods yet! (Haaaaaaaaa…..)

Here’s some dumps of Futatabi that are labeled as early broadcasts. I’m not entirely sure how they’re different from the present dumps, mind, but nevertheless!

Some additional notes by Danyl :

It’s the original event version of Wario no Mori Futatabi which include password & event presentation screens.

In the code itself however, there are 15% – 20% of differences

I furnish here the broadcasts list :

1997/09/28~1997/11/01(3 times per day)
ワリオの森 再び 10/6 | Wario no Mori – Futatabi (Early Broadcast) (10-6)
ROM download

ワリオの森 再び 10/10 | Wario no Mori – Futatabi (Early Broadcast) (10-10) (Corrupted)
ROM download

A dump of Stadium 4 of Excitebike. This has an interesting header title….

Like other alternative builds, this has a different set of text here.

エキサイトバイク ぶんぶんマリオバトル スタジアム4 1/18 | Excitebike – Bunbun Mario Battle – Stadium 4 (Rerun) (1-18)
ROM download

We have a dump that on the surface, looks the same as Mario Paint BS Ban. But it turns out, a picture loads when you select “load” like in Yuushou Naizou Ban.
Except, this one clearly isn’t winning any contests.

At present, we believe this is user data, and the ROM is thus marked as such. If you happen to be the author of this picture, feel free to let us know! We can keep it a secret….

This is mostly of interest for being the first Mario Paint BS Ban ROM we found of this kind. Before this point, I didn’t even realize this was a feature…

User Mario Paint Data
ROM Download

For a slightly less Mario-y dump, here’s the Game Tora no Ooana Special that goes with this broadcast archived by kukun kun.
This is for the first half of the broadcast. The second half has a Part 2 magazine that is not recovered yet.

ゲーム虎の大穴スペシャル 1 1995年9月16日 | Game Tora no Ooana Special 1 (1995-9-16) (Deleted)
ROM download

This dump also has leftovers from Hameln no Violin Haki (Trial Version). Not runnable in it’s current state, but it may be of interest to dataminers.

And now, a wave of redumps! There’s a BIG release coming so we’re gonna ACCELERATE through these. Keeping with today’s theme, here’s 16 redumps of games with Mario characters!

Yoshi no Panepon 6/11
Yoshi no Panepon 10/30
Yoshi no Panepon 6/28
Yoshi no Panepon 5/30
Yoshi no Panepon 11/3
another corrupted Yoshi no Panepon

Wario no Mori Futatabi 7/28
Wario no Mori Futatabi 6/30
Wario no Mori Futatabi 4/9
Wario no Mori Futatabi 6/14
Incomplete Wario no Mori Futatabi

Incomplete Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium 1

Dr. Mario 10/2
Dr. Mario 11/9
Corrupted Dr. Mario
Deleted Dr. Mario 6/29

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