Hey, it’s Christmas time! That means it’s time to bumrush through some releases!
Last month, I released a pretty interesting magazine, and this time, I got another one – and some that may be interesting for all the wrong reasons – ready.
For this one, I’m not gonna embed my own gameplay recording, but rather an archival video from kukun kun:
Now, let’s pop out the emulated ROM screenshot!

Presenting “Oryouri Pon!” by Indieszero, the same devs behind Sutte Hakkun!
Indieszero’s own website is kind enough to provide info on broadcast months.
This is not your typical Satellaview magazine – it’s got it’s own style, with a unique interface and frequent use of animated interactive elements.
In this magazine, you “unlock” recipes by answering multiple-choice questions, and they save to SRAM to incentivize you to cook ’em all!

(I don’t know why this image is so much larger than the others. My apologies.)
We’ve obtained ROM dumps of the other notable cooking magazine “Cheap de Gorgeous” before, and this is all the “Gorgeous” without the “Cheap!”
(No offense intended!)

12-Tsuki-gou here matches the video kukun kun has after repairing the ROM header.
On Indieszero’s site, this is the 2nd volume out of four. The missing volumes would be 11-tsuki-gou, 1-tsuki-gou and 2-tsuki-gou. Strangely, all media on the internet appears to be from 12-tsuki-gou.

お料理ポン! 12月号 | Oryouri Pon! 12-Tsuki-gou
ROM Download
The next batch of magazines are meant to accompany radio programs. One of the unfortunate circumstances that happens because of this is that there is a good chance that radio program has not been archived, meaning whatever the context is behind the contents of the magazines is, is completely lost.

Houkago no Ousama in particular is an alarming one, because there’s many broadcasts, and apparently all of them are unique.
kukun kun has video for 10/7 and 10/10, but 10/9 here? Nope, nada!
And because of that, I was not prepared for THIS! (WARNING: Probably considered NSFW.)
Why, oh, WHY is that guy exposing himself like that? Good grief!

This obvious gravure photo also probably has no business being in an official Nintendo product, but to me this is at least a palette cleanser after… that.
Oh, this mempack dump also has an AK Live volume with the same date.


Houkago no Ousama (10-4) + AK LIVE (10-9)
ROM download
Ah, and guess what? All the following magazine dumps are ALSO lacking a respective rip of the radio program on the internet.
Which means we may run into something like THIS and go “WHYYYY?” some more!

Okay, at least this one is ONLY “weird”…. man, what a thing to say, huh?

Bakusho Mondai no Silicon Chounaikai (1996-7-27)
ROM Download
We got another Silicon Chounaikai coming up too.
This one was apparently so nice, the person with the memory pack downloaded it twice!

… Actually, this one looks like it might have an interesting text dump on “Ryouma De Yuku”, the RPG Tsukuru 2 custom campaign.

Bakushow Mondai no Silicon Chounaikai (11-16) [Twice]
ROM Download
Alright, one more! … Well, technically two more, but they’re both on the same mem pack.

These are meant to accompany Yuki Uchida’s radio program “Yuugure Street Kids Side-B”, of which to my memory there was exactly one broadcast that… it’s no longer on NicoNico, is it? My re-uploads are the only remains of the radio broadcast… ouch!

The contents of these magazines seem to be mostly just pictures, which makes the lack of the radio programs for context even more taxing. Imagine getting a ROM dump and it’s main content is a screenshot of a shower faucet. Just… what?
Do note that they likely broadcast with “Yuki no Waiwai Kids”, which there is only one ROM dump of.

This 8M pack dump has two distinct Yuki Uchida episodes, as well as the downloader making that common mistake of downloading the same program twice.

Uchida Yuki (8-12, 8-12, 8-5)ROM Download