A Satellaview research blog.

Looking past the dump to find the data. (Part 1)

Hey, apologies for the lack of updates here. I have become a heavy contributor to the Satellaview+ project.
I hope you guys are willing to check that out in your free time.

There are some ROMs I want to save for releasing on notable dates, so I will not have major releases today. But these may be interesting to people who enjoy trying to datamine, or to make something out of incomplete dumps.

First off, let’s start with 3 redumps of Undake30 SameGame Mario version. Now, for dumps of this game in particular, that’s probably excessive. However, if you deeper into some of them… interesting things can be found

Undake 30 Same Game Daisakusen – Mario Version (11-16) (Leftover data from Wizardry 7 Demo)

It turns out a demo of Wizardry VII was broadcast, and the incomplete data here confirms it.

Here’s some info danyl dug up about it.

Its allow you to see the opening demo and listen 36 different sounds.
1995/09/23~1995/09/27 (2 times per day)
1995/10/24~1995/10/31 (1 time per day)

This seems pretty basic and barebones, which probably explains why the user would replace it with something more like a proper game.
I wonder if it is possible to take the data we got from this to construct the demo, based on the description?

Undake 30 Same Game Daisakusen – Mario Version (11-11) (Leftover data from Leading Jockey 2)

This one confirms the game “Leading Jockey 2” was broadcast on the service. This is a horse-race sim akin to the Derby Stallion series. The data appears to match the retail version identically.

Undake 30 Same Game Daisakusen – Mario Version (5-29) (BS Fuurai no Shiren episode 4 data)

This third one has data from episode 4 of “BS Fuurai no Shiren”, which demonstrates how easy it is for a Soundlink game to have been overwritten… thankfully, this is one we recovered prior to this dump.

There is one other dump we have with some mind-blowing leftover data, but I’m saving it for Halloween, because it feels appropriate for that time….

Some more redumps:

Super Bomberman 2
Yoshi no Panepon
Mystic Ark (deleted header)
Arkanoid – Doh it Again (incomplete)
Satespo DX Dai-5-gou
BS Tantei Club – Chuuhen (Corrupted)
Cu-On-Pa BS (corrupted)
User Same Game
F-Zero (Corrupted)
Ikari no Yousai (Corrupted)