Hey, LuigiBlood here. Interesting developments have been happening lately, but here’s the Satellaview goods first.
The following dumps are courtesy of PrincessBeef, who bought a couple Memory Packs and dumped them, we found new previously undumped content.
A cinema e-magazine for the Satellaview, providing a story overview, impressions and context of Vampires, Runaway and There’s something about Mary, as well as some mail Q&As.
It also brings some cool music with it, so I did a SPC rip of them… and I randomly find a short Zelda jingle in there for some reason.
View Cinema Paradise – Vol. 4 | ビュー・シネマ・パラダイス vol.4
ROM Download
View Cinema Paradise – Vol. 4 | ビュー・シネマ・パラダイス vol.4
SPC Download
Next is another RPG Tsukuru 2 game that was previously undumped.
It is called Organic Stone. There was apparently a teaser version, but this seems to be a one part full story, so that’s pretty cool. My research is that this is a game produced by ASCII staff and that the story is apparently pretty serious and not really about humor.
Unfortunately my lack of japanese knowledge prevent me to understand more.
Reminder that to play it, you need to insert the Memory Pack on RPG Tsukuru 2, and then go to the first menu, and then the 3rd option (Sample Game) and then select the 2nd game (see screenshot).
Organic Stone – Main Story | オーガニックストーン 本編
ROM Download
Here’s also a couple of redumps:
Columbus no Tamagoyaki – Dai-1-kai (07-05)
ROM Download
Sutte Hakkun – 98 Fuyu Event Version
ROM Download
Sutte Hakkun – BS Version 2 (10-06)
ROM Download
If you were following my Twitter last week, I have released a bunch of St. GIGA related aircheck recordings and natural sounds courtesy of an anonymous person who trusted me for the release:
You can now find 80+ hours of St. GIGA’s Tide of Sound radio program here: https://archive.org/details/stgigaarchive
As well as a rip of a couple discs of OCEAN BLUE filled with St. GIGA recordings of natural sounds all around the world here: https://archive.org/details/oceanblue_cdrip
It is very easy to forget that St. GIGA was also providing their own radio service, a pretty ambient radio that wasn’t successful enough to sustain more than a decade.
To access that service, you had to pay a subscription fee, unlike the Satellaview service.
A lot of people don’t know that the Satellaview service was actually free to use (equipment aside), because the data transmission was descrambled, and there was a small window of time where the audio (soundlink) was also descrambled and dedicated to the Satellaview service. They relied on advertisements to keep the cash flowing at the time.
The reception of these St. GIGA content releases was great, I feel like today if St. GIGA still existed, they could have been able to reach a bigger audience.
Anyway, that’s about it for this post, have fun with the new releases 🙂