Hey there! This is LuigiBlood, this is my first post here.
I want to give some Satellaview dumps, but first, I want to give a proper release to my only dump so far.
[サテラビュー] BS Nintendo HP 10/18 (BS)
ROM Download
Dumped by LuigiBlood
This is a dump of a digital magazine based on the Nintendo homepage from the web, we had two of them in the past. While it may not be the most interesting, the music is just fascinating and preserving these things is also important.
I have also made a SPC music set including a lot of unused music.
[サテラビュー] BS Nintendo HP 10/18 (BS)
SPC Music Download
Now I know what you are looking for, and that’s the last original Kirby’s Toy Box game, Ball Rally!
I am happy that we have secured it thanks to sanmaiwashi who was happy enough to let us release the dump!
I have to mention a couple sad news about this dump: The Flash memory was rotting away the data, and that means that Ball Rally is not in its pure state.
It also contains another version of Baseball, which the title is different, but the bitrot definitely ate away a lot of data. However, after patching the checksum of both, I have not seen anything out of the ordinary of these versions while playing. But as a result, we have to treat them both as bad dumps as we were not able to repair the data.
The download includes the original Memory Pack dump as well as seperate playable files with the checksum changed (the data stays as is).

[サテラビュー] カービィのおもちゃ箱 – ベースボール & ボールラリー | Kirby’s Toy Box – Baseball & Ball Rally (BS) [Bad Dump]
Original Dump + Checksum Patched ROMs Download
Dumped by sanmaiwashi
Have fun with the final piece of Kirby’s Toy Box… okay there’s technically only two left, which is Megaton Punch and Samurai Kirby, both of which are straight up standalone versions of the minigames from Kirby Super Star, which according to people I talked to who have played it, seems identical.
It’s not impossible that I make a couple posts from now on, with some talking points that I feel are important to talk about, and possibly more dumps in the future!