Livin’ in SimCity, You know BS-X has to survive… So today, I’m going to experiment with video-based ROM release articles. This is partly something I wanted to do for a while, but it’s also mostly that WordPress changed formats in a way recently that I really just can’t figure out or get over, and I’m doing it this way to simplify things.If any readers have issues with this format, let me know and I’ll add the relevant info from the video in text format.Let me just pop the video here… ROM dumping credits:Yankeeikari_01 BS SimCity – シナリオ3 | BS SimCity Scenario 3ROM download BONUSWIP BS SimCity Event Plaza restorationgraphics by LuigibloodSatellawave data by KiddoCabbusses Screenshots Other relevant links Satellaview History Museum on WebArchive research page kukun kun’s YouTube on SimCity for NES