
Secret of Evermore





1995-10-01 / 1995-10-01

Action / RPG

Some say America's answer to Secret of Mana.



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Credits / Staff List / スタッフ

Executive Producer
Doug Smith

Concept Producer
Alan Weiss

Design Producer
George Sinfield

Technical Producer
Rick Ryan

Music Composer
Jeremy Soule

Lead Programmer
Brian Fehdrau

Jeff Petkau
Bill Kristiansen
Rick Saenz
Bartosz Kijanka

Art Director
Daniel Dociu

Character Concepts
Daniel Dociu

Lead Animator
Rebecca Coffman

Clayton Kauzlaric
Peter Fries
David House
Al Dumo
Hanz Piwenitzky

Lead Background Artist
Beau Folsom

Backgroud Artist
Kevin Pun
Clayton Kauzlaric
Damon Conklin

3-D Artist
Brad Clarkson

Scenario Scripters
George Sinfield
Rick Ryan
Stephen Magladry
Dalen Abraham
Paul Mazurek
Brian Fehdrau
Jeff Petkau
Bill Kristiansen
James Gillis

Music Composer & Sound Effects
Jeremy Soule

Lead Tools Programmer
Rick Ryan

Tools Programmer
Stephen Magladry
Brian Fehdrau

Lead Writer
George Sinfield

Paul Mazurek

Alan Weiss
George Sinfield
Beau Folsom
Daniel Dociu


Have you seen this game mentioned in a magazine? Let us know by submitting a reference! The more information you have the better, such as title, issue, volume, page, author etc...

ROM Information

Country USA
Internal CRC 33C2
CRC32 A5C0045E
MD5 6E9C94511D04FAC6E0A1E582C170BE3A
SHA-1 79E7738630FFF5699217EF58ECC421BC8FCBCD89
SHA-256 17C864A76D498FEB6479EEE8E7D6807B951C66225033228622BB66754BAAB1DB
ROM Speed 120ns (FastROM)
ROM Size 24 Mb
ROM Type Normal + Battery
SRAM Size 64 Kb
Internal Title SECRET OF EVERMORE   
Common Filenames
Secret of Evermore (U).sfc (GoodSNES v0.999.5)
Secret of Evermore (USA).sfc (No-Intro 2011-12-24)
Secret of Evermore (NTSC)(Eng)(1.0).sfc (Zapatabase 2011-01-30)

Country Spain
Internal CRC 87EC
CRC32 7BFE934F
MD5 F6516A3B18C262EC00CD4348921C3897
SHA-1 4363CE4B19E76261F9325AC9A0CCE27D97490DF2
SHA-256 3C7E2101B6FC8D63FA5E6341629EEF4A5D8F69C99A8826A90BC5417C5BB48BF1
ROM Speed 120ns (FastROM)
ROM Size 24 Mb
ROM Type Normal + Battery
SRAM Size 64 Kb
Internal Title SECRET OF EVERMORE   
Common Filenames
Secret of Evermore (S).sfc (GoodSNES v0.999.5)
Secret of Evermore (Spain).sfc (No-Intro 2011-12-24)
Secret of Evermore (PAL)(Spa)(1.0).sfc (Zapatabase 2011-01-30)

Country Germany
Internal CRC 1971
CRC32 27F60E77
MD5 0D131FF1D7896D6994B03FE2751D820B
SHA-1 5E5C2082526690D05F962C3FFBD7E080C681BFA4
SHA-256 C341668847170D36FA5CFB720568B0B1ECBB24FC426A821F665F1D3853A46A6D
ROM Speed 120ns (FastROM)
ROM Size 24 Mb
ROM Type Normal + Battery
SRAM Size 64 Kb
Internal Title SECRET OF EVERMORE   
Common Filenames
Secret of Evermore (G).sfc (GoodSNES v0.999.5)
Secret of Evermore (Germany).sfc (No-Intro 2011-12-24)
Secret of Evermore (PAL)(Ger)(1.0).sfc (Zapatabase 2011-01-30)

Country France
Internal CRC D9D5
CRC32 7425BB91
MD5 4C33B3B733B2CBD63295446B14654652
SHA-1 8A430C9D6A3DCEF974252FE8D946A0D619BB1A61
SHA-256 A1F7D534C774EDB45586803B5823431CC749B339EEE968B8E3F8113D795FD9C7
ROM Speed 120ns (FastROM)
ROM Size 24 Mb
ROM Type Normal + Battery
SRAM Size 64 Kb
Internal Title SECRET OF EVERMORE   
Common Filenames
Secret of Evermore (F).sfc (GoodSNES v0.999.5)
Secret of Evermore (France).sfc (No-Intro 2011-12-24)
Secret of Evermore (PAL)(Fre)(1.0).sfc (Zapatabase 2011-01-30)

Country Europe
Internal CRC F4E3
CRC32 E168D085
MD5 1C02824BDD165BACB52597551C3C87C5
SHA-1 AE17166919FDFDF26CC5771F83CFD19EAF71806C
SHA-256 E541C2E87D6A196F536DEF78D14A74379C4904C613E5FF6314DC147096C41222
ROM Speed 120ns (FastROM)
ROM Size 24 Mb
ROM Type Normal + Battery
SRAM Size 64 Kb
Internal Title SECRET OF EVERMORE   
Common Filenames
Secret of Evermore (E) [!].sfc (GoodSNES v0.999.5)
Secret of Evermore (Europe).sfc (No-Intro 2011-12-24)
Secret of Evermore (PAL)(Eng)(1.0).sfc (Zapatabase 2011-01-30)

Secret of Evermore™<br/>
Copyright ©1995 Squaresoft®<br/>
Licensed by Nintendo

Secret of Evermore™
Copyright ©1995 Squaresoft®
Licensed by Nintendo

Staind Glass Windows

Staind Glass Windows

A scary looking machine...

A scary looking machine...

Fighting some guys.

Fighting some guys.

Hey, Jack. Do you want a lift?<br/>
Not right now.

Hey, Jack. Do you want a lift?
Not right now.

We are merely sprites that dance at the back and call our button-pressing overlord!

We are merely sprites that dance at the back and call our button-pressing overlord!

In a dungeon with Fist shaped statues.

In a dungeon with Fist shaped statues.

Horn Spear vs the Megatour

Horn Spear vs the Megatour

Statue that looks like Carltron.

Statue that looks like Carltron.

Horace: You see, this ancient world is a product of my imagination.

Horace: You see, this ancient world is a product of my imagination.

Guaaaahaha? This guy is looney! Like "Metalhead" McGovern in "Lunky Monkey".

Guaaaahaha? This guy is looney! Like "Metalhead" McGovern in "Lunky Monkey".

FIghting the Aquagoth.

FIghting the Aquagoth.

My favorite part was the battle with the slime beast in the toxic swamp.

My favorite part was the battle with the slime beast in the toxic swamp.

Would you like to record your progress?<br/>
I'd rather call a lawyer.

Would you like to record your progress?
I'd rather call a lawyer.

Ah, but does not a man pull thy strings?

Ah, but does not a man pull thy strings?

Fighting FootKnight on a chessboard field.

Fighting FootKnight on a chessboard field.

How about the time that I turned into a paladin?<br/>
Now I remember!<br/>
Doesn't ring a bell.

How about the time that I turned into a paladin?
Now I remember!
Doesn't ring a bell.

In the flying machine.

In the flying machine.

Found 2 parts Gunpowder.

Found 2 parts Gunpowder.

Leaving the Inn.

Leaving the Inn.

Well, as "Dusty" Duffy McGrander says in "Perilous Patrol over Pluto:"

Well, as "Dusty" Duffy McGrander says in "Perilous Patrol over Pluto:"

Whoa! Now I know how 'Dandy' Don Carlisle felt in 'Sink, Boat, Sink!'

Whoa! Now I know how 'Dandy' Don Carlisle felt in 'Sink, Boat, Sink!'

Well as Captain Leif Meldrock says in "Mars Needs Lumber jacks:"

Well as Captain Leif Meldrock says in "Mars Needs Lumber jacks:"

Hey! Look! A mummy… a chainsaw… and a balloon animal!

Hey! Look! A mummy… a chainsaw… and a balloon animal!

Like Jack McCoy said in 'Invasion of the Mole People: 'Stay focused and watch your step!'

Like Jack McCoy said in 'Invasion of the Mole People: 'Stay focused and watch your step!'

Whoa It looks like the big battle scene in "Monsterquake" down there!

Whoa It looks like the big battle scene in "Monsterquake" down there!

This is like the big fight scene in 'Dirt, Swords, Sweat and Togas.'

This is like the big fight scene in 'Dirt, Swords, Sweat and Togas.'

This looks like the PZS Plasma Drive in "When Consonants Collide."

This looks like the PZS Plasma Drive in "When Consonants Collide."

That guy takes himself way too seriously, like Emperor Zorn in "Acropolis Apocalypse"

That guy takes himself way too seriously, like Emperor Zorn in "Acropolis Apocalypse"

Wow! This is like what happens in "The Two Doctor Ids!"

Wow! This is like what happens in "The Two Doctor Ids!"

This is a video game. Don't you see? We are characters in a video game!

This is a video game. Don't you see? We are characters in a video game!

If you're really my dog, you'll fetch this stick.

If you're really my dog, you'll fetch this stick.

Oh. That's my dog. He hasn't been himself lately.

Oh. That's my dog. He hasn't been himself lately.

Fighting the Thraxx!

Fighting the Thraxx!

The top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain.

Fighting the Salabog!

Fighting the Salabog!

