
From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Shikyou Gekitotsu!! Shueisha Limited

テレビアニメ・スラムダンク (ヨン)(キョウ)激突(ゲキトツ)!! 集英社(シュウエイシャ)LIMITED

テレビアニメ・スラムダンク 四強激突!! 集英社LIMITED

バンダイ / Bandai



Sports / Basketball



This game is sometimes written as From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Dream Team - Shueisha Limited or written as スラムダンク 集英社リミテッド. This is a prize version of From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Shikyou Gekitotsu!! which was given out to winners of contests. The exact number of carts released isn't known but is thought to be between 200 and 400.

The game changes include a new character and slight game play changes.


Have you seen this game mentioned in a magazine? Let us know by submitting a reference! The more information you have the better, such as title, issue, volume, page, author etc...

ROM Information

Country Japan
Internal CRC 9268
CRC32 99276EAA
MD5 4716BCC084DF44FE01FBFC1222BD5C95
SHA-1 A32B6AE03C3C5702F5FB1D53F68A076AC933184F
SHA-256 182CD72C2EF57119B56BEF1F7C18660498422A912F1BB652771D465CD183B04E
ROM Speed 120ns (FastROM)
ROM Size 12 Mb
ROM Type Normal
SRAM Size 0 Kb
Internal Title SFC スラムダンク LIMITED  
Common Filenames
TV Animation Slam Dunk - Yonkyo Taiketu Shueisha Limited (J) [!].sfc (GoodSNES v0.999.5)
From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Dream Team - Shuueisha Limited (Japan).sfc (No-Intro 2011-12-24)
From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Dream Team - Shueisha Limited (NTSC)(Jap)(1.0).sfc (Zapatabase 2011-01-30)

From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Shikyou Gekitotsu!! Shueisha Limited