Wakusei Aton Gaiden / 惑星アトン外伝
Kokuzeichou (National Tax Agency) / 国税庁
Released in Mid Novebmer 1990, at the event 「税を知る週間」 loosely translated into "Tax Spreading / Displaying".
It's named by the Education Ministry after the animation Wakusei Aton Gaiden /「惑星アトン」.
The story is based around Aton Gaiden being attacked by Kingu Kuiza / 「キングクイザー」 and having the tax revenue stolen and you have to get it back, fun right?
It is one or two player simultanious, but I am not sure how that works with the quiz part. It is said to be a fixed running time of 8 minutes, but again I have not tested this for myself.
One source online sites it's source from Family Computer Communication Vol. 1 Special Issue / 参考「増刊ファミコン通信Vol.1」.
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Wakusei Aton Gaiden
Wakusei Aton Gaiden