
Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

天地無用(テンチムヨウ)! ()ー む (ヘン)

天地無用! げーむ編

バンプレスト / Banpresto





Translations & Patches

US Tenchi Muyo! RPG v1.1 by Lina`chan, Nuku-nuku, Filia (LNF) / borderLine


"Tenchi Muyo!" translated means "No Need for Tenchi!" It's a story about a boy named Tenchi Masaki, who through a series of unforeseeable circumstances, comes to live with a harem of alien girls. They're all in love with him (even the cabbit/spaceship and his great aunt, Aeka), but Tenchi is hopelessly clueless.

In this classic Super Nintendo adaptation, Princess Aeka puts on weight and Washu grows tall. There is also a character that is unique to this game. Those who have played older versions of this game may recognize her by the mistranslation: 'Mizuki'. Mizuki is actually the name of the voice actor for this character. She changed her name from Mizue the year after LNF's release.

This new girl kidnaps Sasami at the beginning of the game, forcing our heroes to embark on another adventure.


Have you seen this game mentioned in a magazine? Let us know by submitting a reference! The more information you have the better, such as title, issue, volume, page, author etc...

ROM Information

Country Japan
Internal CRC CCCA
CRC32 69D9CAA9
MD5 2402F5886F141C8C81AD863B1F603975
SHA-1 94C9654A5F5854F0541228334B9EE080B6282EE8
SHA-256 E242C07533E1FB8DF3505FA80C8C31EE698EBC5FE16E237C60B8E88E8AB1E572
ROM Speed 120ns (FastROM)
ROM Size 16 Mb
ROM Type Normal + Battery
SRAM Size 64 Kb
Internal Title テンチムヨウ               
Common Filenames
Tenchi Muyou - Game hen (J).sfc (GoodSNES v0.999.5)
Tenchi Muyou! - Game Hen (Japan).sfc (No-Intro 2011-12-24)
Tenchi Muyou! - Game Hen (NTSC)(Jap)(1.0).sfc (Zapatabase 2011-01-30)

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen

Tenchi Muyou! Game Hen